
Choosing When To Lose

Genesis 13

January 6, 2021 • Jeff Lyle

Everyone wants to get a promise from God. Occasionally, God makes a personal promise known to His individual children. More often, He shows us a promise in His written word and calls us to believe it by faith. God made massive promises to Abraham. Nobody had ever received promises like Abraham. Yet, to build his faith, God then tested Abraham by allowing him to choose to promote and protect his own interests connected to the promise, or to allow his nephew, Lot, to have the upper hand in a huge decision that would effect both of their destinies. Abram allowed Lot to make the choice instead of asserting his own rights to make the choice to benefit himself and to protect God’s promise by means of fleshly actions. In essence, Abraham chose to temporarily lose so that He became more fully reliant upon God for his future. This message will reveal how God often calls us to do the same: letting go of something in the moment in confidence that God will secure something better for us in the future.