
Encounters That Lead To Restoration

1 Samuel 30:1-18

September 8, 2021 • Jeff Lyle • 1 Samuel 30:1–18

King David once lived in a season of being backslidden. This short, painful scene in David’s life became a turning point that brought him face to face with the consequences of living outside of the will of God and beneath his destiny. When we make decisions that do not honor the Lord, there will be consequences. Sometimes those consequences are intense. How do we respond when our sins catch up with us? Do we run further from God, or do we have enough assurance of His committed love to turn to Him in our moment of deep need? David temporarily lost everything he treasured. Even his own life hung in the balance. Yet, a gracious God met the struggling king and brought him to the place where he could receive back what the enemy had stolen. Something happened in David’s encounter with God that changed everything. David’s bad decisions had created an impossible knot for himself. God was going to prove that He knows how to untie impossible knots.

The God Who Loves Encounter

July 28, 2021 • Jeff Lyle • Zephaniah 3:14–20

God doesn't simply desire to tell us things, His purpose is to spend time with us - to personally intersect with us as His individual children. His purpose in creation and redemption is to walk with us in life so that we may know him, love Him and enjoy Him. This first message in the Divine Encounters series sets the table for the other messages which will follow. This passage from the ancient prophet, Zephaniah, shows us the degree to which God delights in us as His beloved children. Very few places in Scripture allow us the opportunity to clearly visualize how God feels about His children like this passage does. You may be astounded to learn how God the Father feels about us. So, will you have courage to believe that God feels this way even about you?

Encounters That Unlock Your Purpose

August 4, 2021 • Jeff Lyle • Exodus 3:1–12

God has never created a single human whose life is absent of divine purpose. You and I are expressions of God’s heart, will and glory. He had an eternal purpose, wrapped it in human DNA and called it YOU. This is why our lives are rich with meaningful potential. Second only to coming to faith in Christ, our life-purpose is to define all of our days. Yes, God has a reason for you being here. He always has. The life of Moses is a beautiful example of just how committed God is to revealing and completing His purpose for our lives. It is never too late in life for us to experience an encounter with God which changes everything from that point forward. Each Christian, if he or she is still not aware of God’s purpose, should pursue the Lord to know His will for their lives. Even if we are slow to do so, God is not. He may very well appoint a burning-bush encounter for you in order to communicate to you that He is still inviting you step into your life’s assignment.

Shame-Crushing Encounters

August 11, 2021 • Jeff Lyle • John 8:1–11

Shame is one of the devil’s most effective weapons. In our generation, we can experience shame for our appearance, our income status, our personal failures, the abuse which happened to us and, of course, the shame from religious people and systems that constantly remind us that we do not measure up. Jesus is not willing that any of His people live in a constant sense of shame. Part of His ministry includes His power to facilitate shame crushing encounters. In this famous passage of Scripture, Jesus comes to the defense of a woman whose sin had caught up with her. While the religious leaders of her day wanted to make a public example out of her, Jesus wanted to make a new creation out of her. The way He treats her is a great lesson for how we should expect Him to treat us when a sense of shame tries to swallow us whole.