
The Gifts Nobody Argues About

Romans 12:4-8

October 18, 2015 • Jeff Lyle

It is no secret that the topic of spiritual gifts can stir up some controversy. Those gifts which seem to be more spectacular – prophecy, tongues, healings, miracles – sometimes leave us with a little tension as we discuss them with other Christians. Happily, not all the charismata come with controversy. This message gives us an opportunity to exhale and explore some of the gifts of the Holy Spirit which nobody argues about. Serving, teaching, encouraging, giving, leading and showing mercy are all valid endowments by God the Spirit to the Church. When these gifts are recognized, honed and employed by believers, powerful ministry results which serves to advance the Kingdom. Listen closely and you will certainly find at least one of these gifts which God has entrusted to you for the fame of His Son.