
Discovering Renewing Worship

Revelation 7:9-12

April 6, 2014 • Jeff Lyle

Personal worship is the high call of each and every child of God. If worshiping God is confined to one day per week, at one location, then you could probably use a little reorientation concerning this essential part of the Christian life. Worship is everything to the followers of Jesus Christ. We can actually worship Him with our entire being wherever we are no matter what we are doing. Just as the TV pitchman happily declares, “But wait… there’s more!”, we are also called to worship alongside of one another. Gathered worship is the gift of God to His family and far too many of us who name the name of Jesus have diminished the mandate of the New Testament. This message calls believers to reevaluate their commitment to the assembling of the saints. Without apology, Pastor Jeff confronts the notion that we are permitted to come and go as we please when it comes to living out our faith alongside of others. Worship is the lone activity which endures into eternity and the Book of Revelation never pictures worship as being done privately and individualistically. This is a family activity and it begins the moment one is saved and endures until the grand climax in glory.