
Stationed not Stuck

June 28, 2020 • Ryan Bramlett

We miss a lot of opportunities God gives us to grow when we’re too busy looking for a way out of the seemingly negative circumstances we find ourselves in. We feel stuck and the only thing we pray for is a way out, to get unstuck! But what if we aren’t stuck? What if God has us stationed in a certain place at a certain time for something bigger? A greater purpose? Look around. God can use you right where you are!

More from Good News!

Battlefield of the Mind

July 26, 2020 • Aaron Brockett

As we continue to navigate the storms of life raging all around us, who is looking to you to provide direction and a sense of hope in the midst of them? One of the greatest gifts you can offer someone during times of crisis is a non-anxious presence and Philippians 4 is full of practical help for how to do that. What we dwell on in our heads determines the condition of our heart.

Press On

July 19, 2020 • Aaron Brockett

Paul wrote the book of Philippians during one of the most challenging seasons of his life – imprisonment, abandonment, betrayal and facing execution. Yet no other book of the Bible is filled with as much Joy as Philippians. Paul’s peace of mind and settled spirit were rooted in authentic Good News. His focus remained steadfast on Jesus as he pressed on toward the prize of Christ-likeness and Heaven.

The Benefit is Ours

July 12, 2020 • Ryan Bramlett

The Good News of Jesus just keeps coming. Those who belong to Christ have so many spiritual blessings in Him—encouragement, comfort and fellowship with the Holy Spirit! Through the Holy Spirit, we now have the mind of Christ and we can choose to live in that power: in unity, humility and with tenderness and compassion. Our lives are no longer lived for ourselves, but for the benefit of others.