

Preparation for Promise

The Blood Avenger

June 25, 2023 • Connor Kraus • Numbers 35

TBC Lead Pastor Connor Kraus wraps up his sermon series on the book of Numbers with Chapter 35. The chapter focuses on the divine instructions given to Moses regarding the allocation of cities to specific tribes and their purpose as places of refuge for individuals who unintentionally caused the death of another person. The chapter highlights the principle of ensuring fairness and protection for both the accused and the victim's family, emphasizing the value placed on human life and the importance of upholding justice in society. We serve a righteous God who continually works with sinful people like us.

Can We Stay Here?

June 18, 2023 • Connor Kraus • Numbers 32

A select few tribes of Israel want to separate and stay in a different land. Moses becomes furious at this idea since it undermines Israel's unity, fractures their military, discourages the other tribes, and angers God. By staying in the land east of the Jordan River, which needed to be protected, these tribes could not fully commit to God's plan in the Promised Land. As a result, they faced constant warfare to defend the land. They committed a great error: desiring to abandon their fellow believers in carrying out Gods critical mission. God's current critical mission is the great commission we have all been called to. The great ruth we can follow is to participate in God's kingdom, and by faith we trust that what is coming is better than what is here now.

Holy War

June 11, 2023 • Numbers 31

We are fighting a spiritual battle, but our weapon is the Gospel instead of the sword. God command Moses to wage war against the Midianites in this chapter, but what is God's purpose for this? Previously, the Midianites successfully turned many of the Israelites to worship Baal (demons) instead of God. What God is commanding them to do in these battles is not for land, but for the spiritual battle between God and Satan. The battle is intense and severe as a result. Everyone is supposed to be destroyed, for this is not a normal war. This is a situation where it is as simple as good versus evil. This spiritual battle continues today but has transitioned from the desert of the Middle East to our homes, jobs, and other places where we are influenced by evil. Our battle tactics have also changed. We have gone from violence to the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. We are to love a world without God and teach them how they can have salvation.

Donkeys and Curses

June 4, 2023 • Connor Kraus • Numbers 22—24

Lead Pastor Connor Kraus continues our Numbers series with a bit more of a humorous story found in chapters 22 through 24. We live in a spiritual world and people who are either devious or ignorant can tap into the darker powers of that spiritual world. This is not magic like in works of fiction, but a king, scared of the Israelites campaign of taking the Promised Land, hires a man named Balsam to curse the Israelites. God however uses Balaam to bless the Israelites instead. Balaam recounts the plans and promises God has for His people. This story clearly shows that God blesses those who follow His will while those who go against Him will be cursed. We are blessed through our faith in Jesus Christ while those who reject Him are sadly cursed.

The Bronze Serpent

May 28, 2023 • Connor Kraus • Numbers 21

What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us. TBC Lead Pastor Connor Kraus returns to continue in Numbers 21 as the Israelites still are being impatient and grumbling about their circumstance. In response to this, God sends fiery poisonous snakes that bit and killed many of Israelites. Rebellion continually results in judgement. The people actually repent after this which is atypical. God doesn't remove the snakes but does provide a way to be healed in the form of a bronze snake on a pole. So what does it mean to look upon the cross just as the Israelites had to look upon the bronze serpent? What do you see when you look at the cross?

Trust and Obey

May 21, 2023 • Jim Congdon • Numbers 20

TBC's Missions and Leader Development Pastor, Jim Congdon, takes to the pulpit to teach on Numbers 20. Moses is struggling to control his temper as he leads the Israelites who continually disobey God. Jim has come up with distinct lessons to take away from Moses challenges as a leader.

A Holy Cow

May 14, 2023 • Jeremy McGrath • Numbers 19

Student Ministries Pastor Jeremy McGrath takes to the pulpit to talk about Numbers 19 which is full of symbolism. Rebellion leads to death. Failure to cleanse yourself results in death. But what if it did not have to? Purification is simple and available to everyone. This includes the Israelite's then, and us now through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

Korah's Rebellion

May 7, 2023 • Connor Kraus • Numbers 16

Two rebellions begin arming the Israelites in opposition to the authority of Moses and Aaron given by God. A task is then given to Korah, the leader of one of the rebellions, and his followers. They are to put incense before the Lord and then God will choose who is to be set apart as a leader. God becomes angry and plans to wipe the rebels out, but Moses and Aaron plead for mercy towards them. However, God deals with them with his wrath and consumes with fire those that Brough incense and opened a put from the ground to swallow up others who refused to offer the incense. Some of the greatest lessons are taught through pain. This story should impress upon us that death is the outcome when we sin against God. Thankfully, God created a way out through the gift of eternal life in Jesus Christ.

I Spy A Giant

April 30, 2023 • Connor Kraus • Numbers 13—14

The Israelites finally approach the Promised Land but are afraid of who they see occupying it: Giants. Rather than trusting God, they cry out in fear and doubt. The Israelites even think they should go back to Egypt instead. God is angered by this and curses the current Israelite generation to death in the wilderness over the next 40 years. This judgement from God can make many who hear it uncomfortable, but it is important to understand that this judgement is an appropriate response to the severity of our sin. Some Israelites then decided to try to go into the Promised Land, but it was against the Lord's wishes as judgement had already been passed. So align your desires with God's will, and you will find success. And do not abuse the Lord's patience with your countless opportunities to follow Him. It's time to put your trust in God now.

A Judgement of Quail

April 23, 2023 • Connor Kraus • Numbers 11

The Israelite faith in God is getting weaker as they are hungry, afraid, and desire what little they had as slaves in Egypt. Even Moses is struggling to understand how God will be able to take care of everyone. God responds to these doubts by sending an incredible amount of quail to feed everyone and the Israelites begin to lust over it. God responds to this with a plague for they continued to reject Him even though He provided for their needs. So remember to look to God for your daily needs and be thankful for what He provides.

The Fiery Presence

April 16, 2023 • Connor Kraus • Numbers 9

The Israelite's preparation is about to come to a close and the journey is going to begin. God then takes the form of a cloud in order to lead them through the wilderness. God's guidance was not straight forward however. He instead used the journey as a way to prepare the Israelites for the Promised Land. The Israelites were supposed to learn to completely rely on God through this process. They were to become safe, well fed, and prosperous through God's plan. When we become comfortable though, we often forget to rely on God or even actively go against Him. Our destination of Heaven will come, but we are not there yet. We need to rely on God during the hard parts of the journey through this life so we can learn to become more and more like Jesus.

Deadly Worship

March 26, 2023 • Connor Kraus • Numbers 3—4

There were a lot of do's and do not's when it came to respecting the holiness of God while the Israelites were wandering the wilderness. The consequences for not handling the Ark Of The Covenant correctly were so severe that it would result in death. But why? These rules show that following God brings life, but rejecting God brings death. It seems intense but God's holiness is part of his nature and we are not to forget that. There are many Christians today who have forgotten what it is like to worship a holy God and the severity of our sin. Thankfully, because of Jesus dying for our sins, we have protection from such devastating holiness due to the sinful people we are. Never forget that God is holy.

The Point of Purity

April 2, 2023 • Connor Kraus • Numbers 5—6

What does it take to live a Holy Life? Continuing our sermon series in Numbers with chapter 5 & 6 with 4 key lessons. The chapter starts with people needing to leave the main Israelite camp due to a lack of purity. Everything unclean must be removed from the camp. What is "the camp" now? Our life. The passage is also very clear that when you commit a sin against another it is as if you did it to the Lord. Sins against others become sins against God. From there, the chapter gets pretty weird. The overall third lesson we can take is this: God is the ultimate judge of your life. Moving on to chapter 6, we get a view of the Nazarites who take a special vow. The Nazarites had to make a large amount of sacrifices in order to make the vow. It goes to show that even our best efforts fall short of God's standards. Thankfully, we have Jesus to bridge that vast gap.

Preparation for Promise

March 19, 2023 • Connor Kraus • Numbers 1—2

TBC Lead Pastor Connor Kraus starts a new sermon series this week on the book of Numbers. The book of Numbers is worth caring about because it shows God's love to his people, the simple fact that it is part of the Bible, and that knowing the Old Testament is important for a better understanding of the New Testament. The book starts with a census as the Israelites are wandering through the wilderness. Connor details everything from how God is at the center of the Israelite camp, the importance of the tribe of Judah, and the Israelite's dependence on God's commands. Is God at the center of your camp? And like Judah leading the Israelites through the wilderness, is Jesus leading your life?