

August 6, 2023 • Connor Kraus

For this Sunday we start a new series called Guardrails. The name is to demonstrate the idea of not going too far to either side of a part of life and instead striking a balance in perspective. The first guardrail we will be looking at is how we use and think about time. God is both with us in our time as well as outside of it. Our time is quickly over compared to God's everlasting presence. We trust in the plan God has set, but also have a sense of urgency for how we can help further God's Kingdom during our fleeting lives.

More from Guardrails


August 27, 2023 • Connor Kraus

The Bible talks a lot about money but we do not seem to talk about finances very often in church. However, the Bible doesn't talk about what to do with your money very often, but rather how we think or feel about money. Being wealthy is certainly a blessing from God, but the Bibles definition of riches is very different from. our American perspective. Wealth in the Bible is when you are simply about the basic means of survival. Riches are also commonly used in the Bible to describe the attributes of your character, heart, and relationship with God. Our expectation should really be what the Lord promises: our daily bread.


August 20, 2023 • Connor Kraus

Choosing who we are around is not always easy. We are to keep away bad influences while also witnessing to those who need to heard the Gospel. Your closest friends should be Christian and your main goal when being friends with non-Christians should be evangelism. The greatest thing you can do as a friend, is to lead people to life in Christ. If your friends have never heard you talk about Jesus before, that needs to change. Share truth with those in your life and be a true friend. Be vulnerable, show love, and be wise in who you spend your time with.


August 13, 2023 • Connor Kraus

Work in its original state was to be good and filled with joy. Everybody is supposed to be working and carrying out God's will in our own unique way. However, rest is equally important. Even Jesus needed to rest. God also rested after creation to appreciate His work. Resting or working too much is not good, it all needs to be balanced. So if you have a job, paid or not, do it with joy finding time for rest when needed.