
Sermons: Bridge to the World - Week 1

February 4, 2018 • Pastor Aaron Harding

We are The Bridge Church and we love being The Bridge Church because we really believe that we have been given a mission here in Delaware County to connect our diverse communities with the unifying message of Jesus Christ! Jesus transforms lives! So we are passionate about connecting people to the love of Jesus! As much as we’re invested in our local communities, we also believe that each Christian has a role to play in world missions as well. That’s the idea this new series, Bridge to the World, is centered around.

Sermons: Bridge to the World - Week 5

March 4, 2018 • Pastor Aaron Harding

When you worship God with a sincere heart it changes you from the inside out and strengthens your relationship with Him!

Sermons: Bridge to the World- Week 4

February 25, 2018 • Aaron Harding

Growth & transformation happen when I choose what's right over what's easy and that's uncomfortable.

Sermons: Bridge to the World - Week 3

February 18, 2018 • Aaron Harding

We are The Bridge Church and we love being The Bridge Church because we really believe that we have been given a mission here in Delaware County to connect our diverse communities with the unifying message of Jesus Christ! Jesus transforms lives! So we are passionate about connecting people to the love of Jesus! As much as we’re invested in our local communities, we also believe that each Christian has a role to play in world missions as well.