If you keep coming to God in prayer, at some point you'll receive a "no" or some other answer that you don't understand or even agree with. So, what do we do when we make a request, and we receive an answer very different than what we expected? How do we live with that and continue to trust that God is good and cares about us? In this message, we'll see how Jesus reacted in prayer moments like that and what that means for how you and I approach God.
A (Ask)
October 20, 2024 • Pastor Justin McPeak
R (Repent)
October 13, 2024 • Pastor Randy Youngblood
As we continue the "Pray Like This" series, "repent" is the next step in developing a strong, secure, close, and enduring relationship with God. Following this model of prayer will help transform your relationship with your Heavenly Father. Remembering who God is and recognizing who we are will inspire a fresh approach to prayer that sees your relationship with Him as the prize rather than anything you might get from Him.