We begin this weeks study with a look at 1 Kings 12, King Rehoboam, and the beginning of the division of the kingdom.
Tonight we will look at 1 Kings 11 and Solomon's apostacy.
Tonight, Pastor Dave teaches on 1 Kings 10, Solomon's wealth, and his encounter with the Queen of Sheba.
Tonight, Pastor Dave teaches on 1 Kings 9 and God's covenant with Solomon.
We begin this weeks study with a look at 1 Kings 8 and Solomon's dedication of the Temple.
We conclude this weeks study with a look at 1 Kings 7 and the completion of the Temple and the palace complex.
Tonight, Pastor Dave teaches on 1 Kings 6 and Solomon's construction of the temple.
Tonight, Pastor Dave teaches on 1 Kings 5 and preparations for the construction of the temple.
We begin a new year with a continuation of our study of 1 Kings and a look at chapter 4.
Tonight, Pastor Dave teaches on 1 Kings 3 and God's gift of wisdom to Solomon.
Tonight, Pastor Dave teaches on 1 Kings 2, and David's final charge to Solomon.
We begin our study of 1 Kings with a look at chapter 1 and Solomon's ascension to the throne as king.