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More information about Falling in Love Again with Your Husband:
Divorce statistics are heartbreaking. Marriage, as the Lord defines it, is under attack. Couples in our churches are hurting. In Falling In Love Again With Your Husband, wives learn what they were created for, how to fulfill their God-given role, and how to silence the lies that can destroy their marriage and cripple their oneness with the Lord. The world throws out plenty of suggestions for women in their marriages, even those that “seem” right. This much-needed study leads women to the truth in God’s Word to seek His plan and perspective for them. Women are instructed and encouraged to be the godly wife the Lord intended them to be and to find true joy in their marriage, according to His Word and through the power of the Holy Spirit. Many women who have taken this study have testified to their marriages being transformed.
Length: Nine weeks.
-Intermediate Level (45-60 min. daily)
-Written by Laurie Aker