
2022 Lesson Seven: Blessed are the Poor in Spirit

Jesus, I Need You

Laurie Aker

Lesson Seven:  Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit 

Opening Prayer 


Heavenly Father, we thank you for this time you have provided for us to come together to hear from you and have fellowship in your Word and to learn and apply your Word to our hearts. We need you, Lord. We need your grace all the time. We praise you for your goodness and your love and mercy. Please open our hearts to you and to one another and lead our discussion. Help us not to fear, but to put all of our hope in Christ. Help us to remember there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. May you be glorified in all our thoughts and words and deeds. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 




Will someone share how the Lord used the lecture to speak to your heart?  Did anyone have any questions or concerns about the lecture?  If you ever have a question or something is unclear, please let us know.  We want to serve you in any way we can! 




Oh, the blessedness of those whose hearts are acutely aware that they have nothing and are nothing apart from Christ.  Oh, the blessedness of those whose hearts are broken and crushed and who see clearly that it was their sin that put their Savior on the tree.  In this life there are two paths:  a wide and easy path that leads to destruction or the path that Jesus offers that is narrow and difficult and leads to eternal life.  The narrow path requires giving up everything we have.  It requires admitting we have nothing to bring.  The narrow path is the path to true blessedness.  Blessed are those who are willing to leave and follow Christ, believing and trusting Him to give them everything they need. 




Go through the homework, occasionally calling on women. Read scriptures aloud.  After asking a question, remember to allow a brief period of quiet “wait-time” to give women a chance to think before answering. After pausing, if no one shares, go ahead with your answer, rephrase question, and/or move on. 


DAY ONE Devotion:  Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit 


Would someone please share what spoke to your heart from Day One? 




Quiet Moment - Read Matthew 5:1-2.  What do you think being “blessed” means? 


Going Deeper Question #2 – Describe what your day might look like if you got up tomorrow and began the day truly living and following the principle of being in the world, but not of it. How might parts of your day need to change?  




Quiet Moment - Read Luke 6:20. Remembering what you read in the Sermon on the Mount, what do you think Jesus means? What is the Scripture you chose to support your view? 


Going Deeper Question #2 - After reading John 12:1-8, how do you see Mary’s actions communicating a heart of gratitude and worship? What does she convey about poverty, riches and blessing in her actions? 


Question #3 – What did you discover about your inheritance when you become a part of the kingdom of heaven? 


Question #4 – What can you offer to Jesus? What does He offer to you? 


Question #6 – Has the Lord granted you a deep poverty of spirit? Do you see how much you need Jesus? Are you willing to ask God to do what He needs to do to render your heart like Mary’s? If not, why not? 




Quiet Moment – Were you able to draw near to your Lord this morning? If not, why not? 


Going Deeper Question #2 - Do you believe the forgiveness and the grace offered to you in Christ is real, or are you afraid?  Do you still believe you are unforgiven? 


Question #4 - What is the key point Christ makes in Luke 6:25? Why should we mourn our sin? 


Question #5 - What do you need?  Do you need His comfort?  Do you need His blessing, or do you really need to have Him break your heart over your sin? 




Quiet Moment - After reading Numbers 12:1-13, what did Miriam and Aaron do? 


Quiet Moment - How do you usually respond to adversity? How do you respond in the small trials? In the big trials? Where are you most weak? 


Going Deeper Question #1 - What are the definitions of meek, humble and gentle? 


Question #2 – What did you observe about your own heart? 







We will now focus on taking God’s truth to our hearts and bringing it to life.  James 5:16a states; “Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.”  And 1 Peter 2:24 says, “He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed.”  


Please turn to your Taking the Truth to Heart and Bringing It to Life page. We will each have 3 minutes so that every woman will have a chance to share. Please record one another’s confessions on the Taking the Truth to Heart Guide on the following page so you can pray for one another throughout the week. Leaders, please set the example by going first.