Faithful | Lift Your Eyes | Week 13 | Tyler Wilson | 11.22.20
November 22, 2020 • Tyler Wilson
God does what He says He will do
Patient | Lift Your Eyes | Week 12 | Tyler Wilson | 11.15.20
November 15, 2020 • Tyler Wilson
God waits for what He loves
Jealous | Lift Your Eyes | Week 11 | Tyler Wilson | 11.8.20
November 8, 2020 • Tyler Wilson
God will protect what he loves.
Loving | Lift Your Eyes | Week 10 | Ryan Huggins | 11.1.20
November 1, 2020 • Ryan Huggins
God is affectionately committed to our good
Merciful & Gracious | Lift Your Eyes | Week 9 | Tyler Wilson | 10.25.20
October 25, 2020 • Tyler Wilson
God compassionately spares us from what we deserve while lavishing us with what we don't.
Just | Lift Your Eyes | Week 8 | Tyler Wilson | 10.18.20
October 18, 2020 • Tyler Wilson
God does what is right.
Good | Lift Your Eyes | Week 7 | Terrell Spears | 10.11.20
October 11, 2020 • Terrell Spears
God is what is best.
Wise | Lift Your Eyes | Week 6 | Tyler Wilson | 10.4.20
October 4, 2020 • Tyler Wilson
God knows what is best.
Omnipresent | Lift Your Eyes | Week 5 | Tyler Wilson | 9.27.20
September 27, 2020 • Tyler Wilson
God is everywhere all the time.
Omnipotent | Lift Your Eyes | Week 4 | Ryan Huggins | 9.20.20
September 20, 2020 • Ryan Huggins
God is able to do all that he wants.
Self-Sufficient | Lift Your Eyes | Week 3 | Tyler Wilson | 9.13.20
September 13, 2020 • Tyler Wilson
God depends on nothing. We depend on Him for everything.
Infinite | Lift Your Eyes | Week 2 | Tyler Wilson | 9.6.20
September 6, 2020 • Tyler Wilson
God has no limits.
Lift Your Eyes | Lift Your Eyes | Week 1 | Tyler Wilson | 8.30.20
August 30, 2020 • Tyler Wilson
Isaiah 40:1-31 || In the midst of such chaos and confusion all around, we need our gaze lifted upwards off culture and off ourselves onto the character of God.