
Advent 2021

Love, Joy, Hope & Peace

John 1:1-18 - Christmas Eve 2021

December 24, 2021 • Pastor Jim Thomas • John 1:1–18, John 20:30–31

We’ve all heard people talk about the “true meaning” of Christmas. But just what is it? What difference does the birth of a baby two thousand years ago make to us? Who was this baby and why has he become the most talked about individual in human history? How is it that His life has had such an impact on so many when He had such a lowly entrance into the world and then died the death of a criminal? Was Jesus really “God with us,” or God becoming “one of us?” Join Pastor Jim as he explores some of the claims of the New Testament concerning the historical person, Jesus of Nazareth, and just what those claims can mean for us.

Philippians 4:1-9 - Advent Peace in Christ

December 19, 2021 • Pastor Jim Thomas • Philippians 4:1–9, Luke 2:10–14, Psalm 91:1–2, Isaiah 26:3–4, John 14:27

Jesus Christ was born into a world of political unrest; economic hardship; religious, racial and international tension; and there was precious little peace to be found. What had gone wrong with the world? We might ask the same question of our own time. What has gone wrong with our world? Why is there so much disappointment, restlessness and despair? How can those who have acquired and achieved so much, who have amassed so much apparent control over life, still end up feeling that life is lacking, meaningless, hopeless, unsettled and unfulfilling? Instead of being "peace-full," why are so many people falling to pieces? Join Pastor Jim as he unpacks the story of how the God of the Bible takes the initiative to bring us the unshakable Advent Peace of God in Christ as described in Philippians 4:1-9.

Isaiah 40:27-31 - Advent Hope in Christ

December 12, 2021 • Pastor Jim Thomas • Isaiah 40:27–31, 1 Peter 1:3–5

At the time of the birth of Jesus, Israel had turned away from God and found themselves broken and longing for hope and deliverance. But there was none of either on the horizon. God had given them exactly what they had wanted: life apart from Him. The spiritual problem of the human condition has not really changed much since that time. Ironically, we still ask the same kinds of questions the ancient Jews asked: “Where is God? Why doesn’t God do something about what is wrong with the world?” Isn’t it interesting what motivates us to ask those questions? It’s usually when we are suffering the consequences of our having turned away from God. What does it suggest we believe about God or, what we believe about ourselves? What can we learn here about the Gospel’s offer of unbounded hope? Join Pastor Jim as he unpacks the story of how the God of the Bible takes the initiative to bring us Advent Hope found in Isaiah 40:27-31.

Luke 1:26-56 - Advent Joy in Christ Jesus!

December 5, 2021 • Pastor Jim Thomas • Luke 1:26–56, Psalm 16:11, John 15:11

Some form of the word “joy” occurs well over 200 times in our English Bibles. Is joy even obtainable in this life; in our dysfunctional, angry and fear laden world? Can God really save and redeem us from the despair and sadness of this life? Can God turn our sorrow into gladness? If so, how does living in relationship with Jesus Christ lead us to joy? Join Pastor Jim as he helps us take a look at this account of the announcement of the birth of Christ by the angel Gabriel, and Mary’s response. What can we learn here about the Gospel’s offer of unquenchable joy?

John 3:1-21 - Advent Love of God in Christ

November 28, 2021 • Pastor Jim Thomas • John 3:1–21

In the ancient scriptures, Advent begins in the dark. God’s people were living under the oppressive rule of the Roman Empire. Poverty, racism, abuse and violence were everywhere. And on top of it all, the heavens seemed silent. There had been no word from God for 400 years. When Christ entered the world the picture we are given of the world context for the Jewish people was filled with despair, trauma and difficulties. Where was God in all of this? Why didn’t God do something about all the suffering of His people? Join Pastor Jim as he unfolds the story of Jesus talking with Nicodemus about God’s great love for sinners and God’s plan for making all things new.