
How It All Began: The Gospel According to Luke - The Village Chapel

September 8, 2024 • Pastor Jim Thomas • Luke 4:14–44

How It All Began…

The Gospel According to Luke - Luke 4:14-44

The Village Chapel - 09/08/2024

After the baptism and the temptation of Jesus, we find Him traveling back to His hometown of Nazareth. While there, Jesus made some rather audacious claims in the synagogue and the reception Jesus got was not all “peaches and cream.” As a matter of fact, it ended with Jesus being driven out of town, and the people even attempted to throw Him off a cliff.

Jesus then moved on to Capernaum. While teaching in the synagogue on the Sabbath, He was interrupted by a demon-possessed man who made startling accusations. How did Jesus respond?

Luke summarizes the reaction of the crowds by saying, “amazement came upon them all.”

Join Pastor Jim as he walks us through the early months of Jesus’ public ministry and how it all began.

The Village Chapel exists to glorify God through the teaching of His word, through heartfelt worship, and by connecting people with opportunities to live lives of real significance, serving God and their neighbors as a local community of faith.

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