
1 Peter 5 - Stand Firm

May 5, 2024 • Pastor Tommy Bailey • 1 Peter 5, Psalm 42:11

The Apostle Peter writes his first letter to a group of believers facing the heat of increasing persecution, suffering, and the temptations of a decadent culture. For the weary recipients of his letter and us today, Peter ends his correspondence with the same great hope he began his letter with—the resurrected Jesus. 

Join Pastor Tommy as we mine the treasures of the final chapter of 1 Peter, showing how the "God of all grace" provides a firm foundation to stand on through the fiery trials of temptation, anxiety, and the schemes of the evil one.

2 Peter 3 - Living in the Last Days

May 26, 2024 • Pastor Matt Pierson • 2 Peter 3, Romans 2:4, Hebrews 9:27–28, Psalm 90:4

The Apostle Peter senses his time on earth is drawing to a close and writes to his beloved church, warning them of false teachers and reminding them that the return of Christ will come, no matter what some scoffers say. What can we know about the end times and the return of Christ? What remains a mystery surrounding this great day, and how should we live in light of the return of Jesus? Join Pastor Matt as he leads us through this final chapter of 2 Peter.

2 Peter 2 - Two Truths and a Lie

May 19, 2024 • Ryan Motta • James 3:1, Romans 4:5, 2 Peter 2, Matthew 7:15, 2 Corinthians 11:13–15

As we continue our series in the letter of 2 Peter, we will dive into the cautionary message of chapter 2, where Peter warns his audience about the dangers of false prophets and deceitful teachings. Join us as we explore how these ancient warnings are extremely relevant to our lives today, teaching us how to discern truth from deception while remaining steadfast in our own faith. As we gain a greater understanding of false teachers and the lies they spread, we will also gain a clearer picture of God’s grace and the beautiful truth of the gospel. 

2 Peter 1 - A Flourishing and Fruitful Faith

May 12, 2024 • Pastor Jim Thomas • 2 Peter 1, Philippians 2:12–13

2 Peter reminds us that Christianity is not the move from vice to virtue, but rather the move from both vice and virtue to grace. But Peter is not shy about reminding us that we are not passive in the process of sanctification. What kind of person was Peter? And why should we be interested in what he has to say about growth in the consistency and stability of our faith? Wasn’t he the guy that denied Christ three times?  Join Pastor Jim as he introduces us to 2 Peter and walks us through both the encouragement and exhortations of one of Jesus' closest disciples and apostles.