
Genesis 40-41 - What does 'withness' of the Lord look like?

October 24, 2021 • Pastor Tommy Bailey • Genesis 40, Genesis 41, Psalm 23:4, Philippians 4:4, Romans 8:39

The story of Joseph reveals a man of character, integrity and giftedness. But, more than any of those attributes, what framed and shaped his life was the reality that the Lord was with him. Four times we are told in chapter 39, “The Lord was with Joseph.” The story of chapters 40-41 work out the implications of that truth. We invite you to join Pastor Tommy as we study this life of faith that runs through a pit to a palace, from a prison and back to a palace again. This side of the cross, our union with Christ assures us that we are never alone. It’s good for us to ask the question, “What does a life shaped by the 'withness' of the Lord look like?”