
1 John 3:11-24 - What’s Love Got to Do with It?

May 21, 2023 • Pastor Jim Thomas • 1 John 3:11–24, John 13:34–35, John 15, Romans 12:10, Romans 13:8

While Christian faith is never merely theoretical, it is always thoroughly practical. What are the marks of authentic Christian faith? Jesus once declared, “By this shall all men know you are my disciples: if you have love, one for another.” 

In our own day and time, ‘love’ is a word that has been reduced to the emotional realm and all but eviscerated of its deeper meaning. When we use the same word to describe our disposition towards our favorite ice cream, sports teams, pizza and – oh yeah – people, what then could the term ‘love’ actually mean? And why is the love human beings share with one another so fickle, fragile and fleeting?

Jesus' followers believe there is a love that comes from beyond ourselves and is sourced in Christ. We also believe the nature of love and the scope of God’s love reaches deeper and further, beyond personal preferences or how any one of us might feel in a given moment. 

Join Pastor Jim as he walks us through the last half of 1 John 3 and shows us how today’s church is uniquely positioned to both restate and demonstrate the love of God, in spite of the darkness and division that overshadows our present world.