
Luke 2:1-20 - The Song of the Angels

December 11, 2022 • Pastor Jim Thomas • Luke 2:1–20

The third canticle of Advent we find in Luke’s gospel is the song the angels sang to the shepherds. Like the other songs of Advent, it erupts with themes of God’s glory, God’s goodness, and delight in God’s grace shown towards humanity.

What was the meaning of this exuberant angelic song? Why was it sung to simple shepherds? What difference does it make in redemption history?

Join Pastor Jim as he walks us through this short but powerful song that declared the great news of how the God of the Bible had come to fulfill His promises and accomplish His purposes in the person and work of Jesus Christ.

More from Advent 2022

Luke 2:21-38 - The Song of Simeon

December 18, 2022 • Pastor Tommy Bailey • Luke 2:21–38, Isaiah 9:6–7

After the extraordinary events surrounding the birth of Jesus, we are introduced to Simeon and Anna, two faithful people who had been waiting for many years, expecting to see the promised messiah.  Join us as Pastor Tommy helps us consider this remarkable account of Simeon and Anna witnessing with their own eyes the promise fulfilled.

Luke 1:57-79 - Zachariah’s Song: The Symphony of Salvation

December 4, 2022 • Pastor Jim Thomas • Luke 1:57–79

The second canticle of Advent that we find in Luke’s gospel is the song of Zachariah (often called the Benedictus). It explodes with themes of God’s greatness, God’s goodness and an expression of true delight in God’s grace. As with the other three songs, this one has a context. Here was an elderly Jewish couple whose marriage had been overshadowed by decades of disappointment. However, we are told both individuals had remained faithful to God. Enter the angel Gabriel with some shocking news that took Zachariah by surprise and led to his cautious and quizzing response.  Questions aplenty arise. What was God up to? Why does God sometimes use such unusual means to accomplish His purposes? Does God hear our prayers and does prayer work? How can we know if what we are praying for is something God has actually promised? Join Pastor Jim as he walks us through Zachariah’s symphony of salvation, a proper response to the God who makes promises and fulfills all His purposes.

Luke 1:26-55 - Mary’s Song: My Heart Magnifies the Lord

November 27, 2022 • Pastor Matt Pierson • Luke 1:26–55, Luke 1:46, Luke 1:1–4

The angel Gabriel is sent by God to a small Galillean village called Nazareth, and visits a young peasant girl named Mary, betrothed to a man named Joseph. Gabriel tells Mary that even though she is a virgin, through the power of the Holy Spirit, she will bear a child whose name will be Jesus, who will be called the Son of the Most High. Mary responds to this startling and miraculous news with obedience and worship! Join Pastor Matt as he teaches through Luke 1:26-56 and we hear Mary’s song of praise, “The Magnificat.”