
Isaiah 7:14 & Matthew 1:18-25 - The Dawn of Redeeming Grace

December 3, 2023 • Pastor Jim Thomas • Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:18–25

We often hear discussions about the true meaning of Christmas, but what is the true meaning of Advent? Where did it come from and what can Advent mean for us?

About 700 years before the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, during a very dark time in the world, with much political upheaval and moral and spiritual chaos, God spoke through the Old Testament prophet Isaiah and told of a virgin who would become pregnant and then deliver a son who would be called Immanuel, which means “God with us.” The appearance of this son would serve as a sign that He had come to be the Savior of the world.

In our own day and time, as the 20th century English author Dorothy Sayers once said, “the drama is the dogma” and the doctrine of the Incarnation is indeed a dramatic, mind-blowing, heart-thumping, eye-popping concept. One of the most remarkable things it displays is the lengths that the God of the Bible would go to in order to save us.

Join Pastor Jim as he connects some of the dots of God’s unfolding plan of redemption history during this first Sunday in Advent 2023. 

More from Advent 2023

Matthew 2:1-12 - From 'Whatever' to 'What If?'

December 31, 2023 • Pastor Jim Thomas • Isaiah 14:12, Micah 5:2, Matthew 2:1–12, Numbers 24:17, Isaiah 9:2

As we come to the end of another year, how many times have you heard someone say, “This year has just flown by?” Is it possible that while we have all become experts on how to stoke anticipation for Christmas, even Christians still struggle with knowing how to maintain enjoyment of all that Christmas means for us in the coming New Year? The story of the visit of the Magi in Matthew 2 is a contrast between two very different kings with two very different kingdoms. One kingdom is the sighing kingdom of “Whatever.” The other is the wonder-filled kingdom of “What If?” One is a kingdom marked by indifference, the other a kingdom in which every person and every moment of time has been designed and created for a transforming encounter with Christ. Is there a way to move our spiritual life from a bored and disinterested “whatever” to a hopeful and curious “what if?” Join Pastor Jim as he connects some of the dots of God’s unfolding plan of redemption history and shows us how we are all invited to choose Jesus as our king and begin living right now in the kingdom of heaven! 

John 1 - The Word, the Life, the Light!

December 24, 2023 • Pastor Jim Thomas • John 1

How did the historical person Jesus of Nazareth become the most talked about person who ever lived? Jesus was never an entertainment celebrity, never had a TV show, never ran for politics and never became a social media influencer. So why are there so many books and blogs, magazine articles and movies, tv shows and college courses about Jesus? To help us unravel this mystery, let's explore insights from one of Jesus' closest friends and followers. The Gospel of John opens with a remarkable summary that delves into Jesus' essence, nature and pivotal role in the tapestry of redemption history.  Join Pastor Jim as he guides us through the concise yet powerful prologue, unveiling the extraordinary ways the God of the Bible fulfilled His promises and achieved His purposes through the person and work of Jesus Christ.

Isaiah 11:1-5 & Luke 2:25-32 - The Dear Christ Enters In

December 24, 2023 • Pastor Matt Pierson • Isaiah 11:1–5, Luke 2:25–32

The prophet Isaiah and the good Doctor Luke lived some 700 years apart, but the Holy Spirit weaves a thread and connects them to each other. Join us this Sunday as Pastor Matt leads us through two brief passages from Isaiah and Luke and points us to the steadfast and tenacious love of the God who is not only with us, but is also for us.