
Matthew 21:33-22:14 - You’ve Been Invited!

January 22, 2023 • Pastor Jim Thomas • Matthew 21:33—22:14

Jesus often taught in parables to help His listeners understand more about who He was and is, what He was up to while He walked the planet, and what it means to join Him in the kingdom of heaven.

How should we understand the Gospel and the Kingdom of Heaven in our own day and time? Sometimes it helps to begin with what it is not. The Gospel of Jesus is not a demand for us to do something; it is a declaration of what God has done for us in the person and work of Jesus Christ; it is an invitation, an offer. Jesus is inviting us to enter His kingdom and live our lives under His righteous reign and sovereign rule. Who wouldn’t want that?

Join Pastor Jim as he leads us through two of the fascinating parables Jesus used to teach us more about the Gospel and what it means to live life with Jesus as your King.