
The Turn of the Tide: The Gospel According to Luke - The Village Chapel

August 18, 2024 • Pastor Jim Thomas • Luke 2, 2 Corinthians 5:20

The Turn of the Tide

The Gospel According to Luke - Luke 2 

The Village Chapel - 08/18/2024

Have you ever felt like the tide was coming in and rising all around you? Have you ever wondered if the culture we live in is drowning in darkness and confused about the meaning and purpose of life? And perhaps most importantly, have you wondered where God is in all of this? Is God aware and does He care about all that is going on in the world and in your world?

Join Pastor Jim as he leads us through the well known passage of Luke 2. Whether you are familiar with this story or not, we’ll read three short vignettes about the early years in the earthly life of Jesus and we’ll be comforted to see how the God of the Bible is the One who turns the tide as He speaks, has spoken and continues to speak words of hope, redemption and salvation!

The Village Chapel exists to glorify God through the teaching of His word, through heartfelt worship, and by connecting people with opportunities to live lives of real significance, serving God and their neighbors as a local community of faith.

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