The NT letter of Ephesians has been called, “Paul’s third-heaven epistle,” the “Alps of the New Testament” and “the crown of Paul.” Sitting in prison, Paul wrote this letter to anchor the church amidst turbulent times and it provides some of the richest doctrine and application around the Person of Jesus Christ, His church and Christian living. Join us as we kick off a new year walking through the longest sentence in Scripture that makes up about half of the first chapter. We will find great encouragement from two of the most powerful prayers found in Paul’s writings. We will see how the gospel works its way out in our spiritual lives as we grow in maturity. We will explore premiere passages on the critical topics of marriage, parenting and spiritual warfare. It will be 10 weeks of working through Ephesians with the goal of growing more anchored in Christ!
Ephesians 1:1-14
January 8, 2023 • Craig Smith