
Practice-based Worship Gatherings

December 6, 2018 • Aaron Niequist

Consumerism states that whatever dazzles us with words, with personality, with brilliant production, is worth our time. Churches have surrendered to this powerful inertia when they seek to find the relevant hot-spots for what people want, and then use them to design their worship gatherings. Many are questioning the use of these marketplace sensibilities.

Is there another way forward?
Is there a deeper, vibrant, more rooted way to worship together?

In his search, Aaron Niequist (author of The Eternal Current) discovered that there was historical Christian precedent for enacting faith in a more formational way. He calls this approach a "practice-based” worship gathering.

In this webinar we will explore

- Deconstructing how we worship together
- Constructing a practice-based gathering
- Discovering how to integrate modern-liturgical habits
- How to center the Eucharist