Welcome to another episode of Spiritual Encounters with your lion hearted host, Pastor Caspar McCloud. In this episode Pastor Caspar is joined by his friend and fellow Politics, Prophecy and the Supernatural Report writer Vicki Joy Anderson.
Vicki Joy Anderson
Pastor Caspar McCloud/ The Upper Room Fellowship

Spiritual Encounters - Vicki Joy Anderson - What's Going On?
Nanotechnology in Your Blood! Valerie Robitaille PhD
Caspar McCloud interview Valerie Robitaille PhD who shows a video of nanotech, hydrogels and more in live blood sample! Valerie Robitaille PhD http://www.holistichealthonline.info Book Caspar McCloud https://http://www.casparmccloudmusic.com/epk-caspar-mccloud-electronic-press-kit Support Spiritual Encounters https://theupperroomfellowship.org/give Caspar McCloud, Spiritual Encounters, Valerie Robitaille PhD, biologist, mesogene, synthetic biology, vaccines, chemtrails, video, blood, proof, nanotech, Clifford Carnicom, cross-domain bacteria, dr ana mihalcea, fallen angels, elite, transhuman, transgender, hydrogel, borax, rainbow blood, edta, glutathione,
Sanda Allyson - Politics, Prophecy and the Supernatural
Caspar McCloud Music https://http://www.casparmccloudmusic.com Book Caspar McCloud https://http://www.casparmccloudmusic.com/epk-caspar-mccloud-electronic-press-kit Support Spiritual Encounters https://theupperroomfellowship.org/give Politics, Prophecy and the Supernatural https://lamarzulli.net/product/monthly-news-magazine Rumble: https://rumble.com/v57l8jx-sanda-allyson-politics-prophecy-and-the-supernatural.html Bitchute: http://www.bitchute.com/video/miyynedjjgkn Subsplash: https://subsplash.com/theupperroomfellowship/media/mi/+myyjcjs Spiritual Encounters, Caspar McCloud, Sanda Allyson, Editor, PP&S Magazine, L.A. Marzulli, Holy Spirit, Deception, spiritual warfare, self assembling nano bots, vaccines, end times, fear, faith, prayer, power of prayer,
IMPORTANT - MUST WATCH! Israel & End Time Prophecy
Stan Johnson - Prophecy Club https://http://www.watchprophecyclub.com Caspar McCloud Music https://http://www.casparmccloudmusic.com Book Caspar McCloud https://http://www.casparmccloudmusic.com/epk-caspar-mccloud-electronic-press-kit Support Spiritual Encounters https://theupperroomfellowship.org/give Spiritual Encounters, Caspar McCloud, Stan Johnson, Prophecy Club, Israel, Oil in Israel, split Israel, Leslie Johnson, Arafat Hospital, Omer, Palestinian State, catastrophe, meteor, asteroid, earthquake, new madrid fault, Shane Warren, dollar, Tom Horn, Dumitru Duduman, romanian prophet American revolution, fall of America, Chris Reed, fall of the dollar, Revelation,