Join us as pastor Eric Foust brings a healthy reminder of what it means to be created in the image of God.
Join us as Amy Bailey outlines the way God's leaders react and respond in the middle of trials and tribulation.
Join us as middle school director Noah Baxter leads people through the life of Jacob in his wrestling with God.
Join us as Pastor Jim Bailey decrees the importance of dreaming bigger than what is possible through your own strength.
Join us as pastor Eric Foust describes the practice of staying in the middle of where God has you, even in a place of intense strife and weariness.
Join us as youth director Noah Baxter shares the story of Abraham's obedience to the Lord when asked to make an enormous sacrifice.
Join us as Amy Bailey delves into the significance of our covenant with God.
Join us as Pastor Jim Bailey brings us a message on dreaming again with God.
Join us as Mike Cruz brings us a powerful message on building your Eden.
Join us as guest speaker Tinasha LaRayé speaks on the creative display God eternally made through his people.
Join us as pastor Eric Foust unpacks the process of a faith journey that remains steady, yet able to move in a moments notice.
Join us as paster Jim Bailey outlines the workings of the Father in the garden towards Adam and Eve, and the serpent.
Join us as Amy Bailey explores the impact of Genesis 1 as the world is set on a course of holy work.