
She Saw Something In Me

Part 7

October 31, 2021 • Dr. Lance D. Watson • Exodus 2, Hebrews 11:23

The word Exodus comes from a Greek word that literally means “the road out.” An exodus is a “going out, a departure.” That defines the substance of much of our spiritual journey—it’s about being moved out from one place and into a new one. All spiritual growth has something to do with leaving something behind. It’s about being saved from something, for something. God providentially positions people to aid us along the way. Today, we meet a woman named Jocobeth, a new mother in a situation of crisis. Despite the chaos around her, she saw something special in her new child that moved her out of despair into a perilous posture of hope.

Scripture: Hebrews 11:22 and Genesis 50

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