
The Temptation You've Resisted

Part 11

March 14, 2021 • Dr. Lance D. Watson

James is one of the most practical books of the New Testament and one needed by Christians of every generation. Its stinging rebukes of worldliness and pretense in religion are urgent ones for our time. Its denunciations of social injustice have caused many to label James the "Amos of the New Testament." The epistle of James appeals from start to finish for Christians to make their lives consistent with their profession. The letter is addressed to Jewish Christians who had been scattered from Palestine by persecution (chapter 1, verse 1). This book was probably the first of all the New Testament books to have been written, probably about AD 45. James knew of the severe trials these saints had to endure for their faith (chapter 1, verse 2). He wrote to encourage them in their difficulties and warn them against spiritual laxity and neglect of their duties.

Scripture: James 1:12-21 (NKJV)