
Stepping Into Boldness

Life With Your Eyes Fixed on Yahshua Is Simple, Filled With His Peace, Energetic

June 19, 2024 • Laura Sossamon • Colossians

We are being robbed of our inheritance in Christ if we are still in a place where we are going back and forth between fixing our eyes on Him, knowing everything is okay, and then shifting our eyes back to ourselves, analyzing, critiquing, worrying, etc. Life with Christ should not feel like work but joy, not a project or task on your list, verses an enjoyment and a "get to" because you're thinking about, "What can I do for You?" verses all He's done for us.

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Wednesday Night Service

June 26, 2024

Yahweh Is Reconciling All Things To Himself

June 23, 2024 • Apostle Todd Murner • Ephesians 1:10, Philippians 3:21, 2 Corinthians 5:6–21, Romans 11:36

Everything was created from the Godhead, for the Godhead and ultimately to the Godhead in a giant loop that begins in the spiritual realm (heaven), passes through the natural realm (earth), specifically through mankind, and returns to Him for full glorification. Given man's corruption from the beginning, mankind had to be redeemed, reconciled and then submitted to a process of sanctification resulting in full identification with the Godhead....holiness.

The Dynamic of Pleasure-Based and Purpose-Driven Relationships

June 16, 2024 • Apostle Todd Murner, Autumn Murner • Genesis 1:26–28, Hebrews 1:5, Hebrews 2:8–12, Hebrews 3:18–19

The prophetic casts a vision for where things are going based on the apostolic environment from where they began. The prophetic is showing you where you are going based on the awareness of the apostolic environment you came from.