Day 49 of 60

November 5, 2023 • Prophet Darnéy Willis • Isaiah 56:1

Isaiah 56:1

“Thus is says the Lord: 'Keep justice and do righteousness, for My

salvation is about to come, and my righteousness to be revealed'.” (NKJV)


“This is what the Lord says: 'Maintain justice and do what is right, for my

salvation is close at hand and my righteousness will soon be revealed'.” (NIV)

This is a tremendous promise from Yahweh and can settle all concerns. Clearly, we can't do this in our own strength but be willing to receive and release this through Holy Spirit. When we have been faithfully seeking Yahweh's purpose, sooner or later there will be time lags. This could be because of the anti-Christ kingdoms of Babylon and churchianity (self-effort living as one born again), and it can be times when Yahweh is stretching us to prepare us to mature for deeper levels of His purposes (James 1:4). It is very encouraging to remember He is aware of what we are going through and will manifest the victories in our lives He has already prepared in Heaven in His perfect timing.

As we engage in the Heartland Assemblies and any other personal or corporate assignment, it is likely we will encounter resistance, delays to seeing the fruit. Holy Spirit continue to remind us of Your amazing Promise. Thank You for always going before us to prepare the way and providing tenacity and strength to endure and overcome obstacles that try to fight Kingdom Purposes.

Prophet Darnéy Willis