
Empowered By the Spirit and Fully Baptized Into Christ

Overcoming Through the Anointing - Displaying Yahshua's Authority and Power

May 5, 2024 • Apostle Todd Murner, Autumn Murner • Matthew 3:13–17, Ephesians 1:13–14, Luke 4:18, Acts 1:8, Matthew 6:13

To be baptized by the Spirit is to be baptized into the fullness of Christ, the ALL in all. Life in the world in which we live can be like navigating a field of land mines. There is so much distraction in the world and if you are not fully AWARE of all things Christ, you can be easily tempted away from the life and peace He alone provides.

Autumn brought a powerful word Sunday relative to being empowered by the Spirit and fully baptized into Christ. However, temptations to sacrifice our position of peace in Christ are constantly coming our way. Only through the anointing of Christ can we overcome with a great display of Yahshua's authority and power waiting for us on the other side of His victory in and through us.

Operating From and In the Prophetic Realm

June 2, 2024 • Apostle Todd Murner • Hebrews 10:19–25

I find it certainly interesting and intriguing that while we prepared to receive the prophetic ministry of Dave and Kaitlyn Hoeflein, a series of tornadoes and straight-line winds ripped through our region Sunday morning (May 26). Consequently, once we had some time to put it all in perspective, it was refreshing to hear from several folks this past Sunday who shared insight and gave reports of those affected by the storms.  (The audio and video of Sunday’s message is available online and on The Rock app).   The spiritual illustration of a vortex is definitely prominent in our ecclesia culture.  When winds and atmospheric (spiritual conditions) circumstances form, tornadic and hurricane like systems develop in the heavens that most notably rearrange things and impact the earth.  When we speak of vortexes in the ecclesia, we are not usually speaking of them in a destructive way.  Vortexes repel objects away and draw other objects into its center.  A healthy kingdom life and lifestyle does much the same.  If we are affecting and influencing our region for Christ and His kingdom, we must constantly be judging situations that currently exist in our life and those which are being introduced….as well as those in the region.  Additionally, as we “center” our own lives in and through Christ, we are preaching the gospel of the kingdom in the region to do the same. Blessings,  Atm

The Call for Preparation, Consecration and Sanctification

May 12, 2024 • Apostle Todd Murner, Autumn Murner, Stephanie Oswald • Mark 2:18–22, John 3:1–21, Galatians 3:27, Luke 1:45, Revelation 21:5

Sunday's message shared by Autumn, Stephanie Oswald and myself was so prophetic for those who have ears to hear. There is a reverberation from heaven that is pounding in the spirit of the remnant body in the earth. A call is going forth for preparation, consecration and sanctification. For those who hear and receive Yahweh's Word, great favor will mark your life. Yahweh is not satisfied with just swearing an oath (7), He also desires to see His divine order (10) established and the perfection of His government (12) operational so His spiritual word becomes an earthly reality. Yahweh is sending out His message with relentless force and an increasing strength. Turn aside and hear what the Spirit has to say to the body of Christ.

Repentance ---> Re-Membering ---> Re-Minding

April 21, 2024 • Apostle Todd Murner • Acts 2:36–39, 1 Corinthians 3:10, Philippians 3:12–16, Romans 12:1–2, Matthew 27:62–66

Many christians progress to a certain point in conforming to the image of Christ and seem to stop by not allowing their minds to be renewed and transformed by the Spirit into what Christ is authoring today. Our focus for several services has addressed the concepts of "re-membering" (separating into parts, choosing the good and re-aligning the parts according to the original design) and "re-minding" (setting our minds on things above where Christ is). Yahshua is the All in all and we are saved, delivered, healed, equipped, empowered, matured and united together as a body to partner with Him in ushering His kingdom of heaven into the earth. We can't stop advancing the kingdom and settling for good and acceptable, we must go on the complete and fully ripened will of the Father.