
Main Sessions

The Narrow Race

September 22, 2023 • Erin Morris

Whether you realize it or not, you are running in a race.  It is not a physical race, but a spiritual one. The spiritual race has a specific course we are called to run on that is not set by us, but by God.  Are you on the right road? Are you resolved to run your race well, or are you running aimlessly with no end goal in mind?  

The Spiritual Athlete

September 23, 2023 • Erin Morris

To successfully compete in a race, an athlete endures extensive training.  Similarly, the spiritual athlete must resolve to train, be self-controlled, and disciplined. She must also compete according to the rules, or she may be disqualified altogether. Are you willingly submitting yourself to the training necessary to win the race that is set before you?

The Imperishable Prize

September 24, 2023 • Erin Morris

The spiritual race is a lifelong race that we are called to run until we cross the finish line into eternity. If we intend to run to the finish line we must resolve to run with endurance.  However, we do not run by our own strength.  Rather, we are divinely empowered by the Spirit of God to run each step of the race until we attain the imperishable prize that is promised us.