
Morality: Right & Wrong

Learning to ask "Should I" instead of "Can I"

Bad Company

April 29, 2020 • Brian Motte & Michael Fitzgerald

Last week we began the discussion of how do we know if we should do something the Bible is not clear whether it is right or wrong to do. This week we are discuss one of the principles that we are to follow, “to not be a stumbling block to a brother or sister in Christ”. We learn that when we are thinking of others and how our actions will effect them and their ability to understand the gospel, we quickly find ourselves no longer asking the question of “what can I do” and start asking the question, “what should I do?” Day 7 - Bad Company All week we have been discussing not being a “stumbling block” or getting in the way of another person growing in their faith in God. Yesterday we even discussed how even silence can be a stumbling block. Today we look at how the company we can cause people to stumble.

Silence is a Stumbling Block

April 28, 2020 • Brian Motte & Michael Fitzgerald

Last week we began the discussion of how do we know if we should do something the Bible is not clear whether it is right or wrong to do. This week we are discuss one of the principles that we are to follow, “to not be a stumbling block to a brother or sister in Christ”. We learn that when we are thinking of others and how our actions will effect them and their ability to understand the gospel, we quickly find ourselves no longer asking the question of “what can I do” and start asking the question, “what should I do?” Day 6 - Silence is a Stumbling Block All week we have been discussing not being a “stumbling block” or getting in the way of another person growing in their faith in God. Yesterday we even discussed how if we do, how sorrow awaits. Today we discuss the practical ways to love others so that we don’t find ourselves causing others to stumble in their faith, especially by just remaining silent when someone needs to hear the truth.

Sorrow awaits the Stumbling Block

April 27, 2020 • Brian Motte & Michael Fitzgerald

Last week we began the discussion of how do we know if we should do something the Bible is not clear whether it is right or wrong to do. This week we are discuss one of the principles that we are to follow, “to not be a stumbling block to a brother or sister in Christ”. We learn that when we are thinking of others and how our actions will effect them and their ability to understand the gospel, we quickly find ourselves no longer asking the question of “what can I do” and start asking the question, “what should I do?” Day 5 - Sorrow awaits the Stumbling Block All week we have been discussing not being a “stumbling block” or getting in the way of another person growing in their faith in God. Today we discuss what awaits us if we do cause another person to stumble into sin and practical things we can do to guard ourselves from doing that.

Which “CLIQUES” are you in?

April 26, 2020 • Brian Motte & Michael Fitzgerald

Last week we began the discussion of how do we know if we should do something the Bible is not clear whether it is right or wrong to do. This week we are discuss one of the principles that we are to follow, “to not be a stumbling block to a brother or sister in Christ”. We learn that when we are thinking of others and how our actions will effect them and their ability to understand the gospel, we quickly find ourselves no longer asking the question of “what can I do” and start asking the question, “what should I do?” Day 4 - Which “CLIQUES” are you in? We have been looking at how our actions need to consider others ability to understand the gospel by our lifestyle. Today we discuss how social cliques cause division in the body of Christ and how when we choose a clique to be a part of we limit the possibility of sharing the gospel.

Who are you serving?

April 25, 2020 • Brian Motte & Michael Fitzgerald

Last week we began the discussion of how do we know if we should do something the Bible is not clear whether it is right or wrong to do. This week we are discuss one of the principles that we are to follow, “to not be a stumbling block to a brother or sister in Christ”. We learn that when we are thinking of others and how our actions will effect them and their ability to understand the gospel, we quickly find ourselves no longer asking the question of “what can I do” and start asking the question, “what should I do?” Day 3 - Who are you serving? Today we pose the question and discuss “who are you serving?” Looking at the scripture to see if we are serving ourselves or serving God with the things that we do.

Liberty or License?

April 24, 2020 • Brian Motte & Michael Fitzgerald

Last week we began the discussion of how do we know if we should do something the Bible is not clear whether it is right or wrong to do. This week we are discuss one of the principles that we are to follow, “to not be a stumbling block to a brother or sister in Christ”. We learn that when we are thinking of others and how our actions will effect them and their ability to understand the gospel, we quickly find ourselves no longer asking the question of “what can I do” and start asking the question, “what should I do?” Day 2 - Liberty or License? Today we discuss that sometimes people believe that when the Bible does not talk about a specific sin it give them the freedom and liberty to do whatever they want. Some people take that liberty to do what they want and use as a license to do whatever they want regardless of how it effects others. But is that really what the Bible teaches us to do?

My Action & Others

April 23, 2020 • Brian Motte & Michael Fitzgerald

Last week we began the discussion of how do we know if we should do something the Bible is not clear whether it is right or wrong to do. This week we are discuss one of the principles that we are to follow, “to not be a stumbling block to a brother or sister in Christ”. We learn that when we are thinking of others and how our actions will effect them and their ability to understand the gospel, we quickly find ourselves no longer asking the question of “what can I do” and start asking the question, “what should I do?” Day 1 - My Action & Others Today we start the discussion of examining if how my action effect others faith around me. We learn that what we really need to ask when deciding if we are going to do something is, “Do my actions cause another person to sin?”

The Lord will provide a way out…You just have to take his way out.

April 22, 2020 • Brian Motte & Michael Fitzgerald

This week we are studying what it means to treat our body as the temple of the Holy Spirit. When we treat our bodies as the temple, we quickly find ourselves no longer asking the question of “what can I do” and start asking the question, “what should I do?” Day 7 - The Lord will provide a way out…You just have to take his way out. Today we discuss that while many times our temptations feel as if they are too much to bear and we cannot seem to find a way out of our sin, God has promised to never let us be tempted beyond what we can handle. We just have to choose to take his way out.

Alcohol & other substances

April 21, 2020 • Brian Motte & Michael Fitzgerald

This week we are studying what it means to treat our body as the temple of the Holy Spirit. When we treat our bodies as the temple, we quickly find ourselves no longer asking the question of “what can I do” and start asking the question, “what should I do?” Day 6 - Alcohol & other substances Today we discuss what the Bible says about whether we should drink alcohol or consume any other substances that can change the way in which we think.

Understanding Biblical Modesty

April 20, 2020 • Brian Motte, Kristy Motte & Michael Fitzgerald

This week we are studying what it means to treat our body as the temple of the Holy Spirit. When we treat our bodies as the temple, we quickly find ourselves no longer asking the question of “what can I do” and start asking the question, “what should I do?” Day 5 - Understanding Biblical Modesty Today we have a special guest Kristy Motte as we discuss what “biblical modesty” is both for men and women.

Holy Spirit = Conscience

April 19, 2020 • Brian Motte & Michael Fitzgerald

This week we are studying what it means to treat our body as the temple of the Holy Spirit. When we treat our bodies as the temple, we quickly find ourselves no longer asking the question of “what can I do” and start asking the question, “what should I do?” Day 4 - Holy Spirit = Conscience Today we discuss, “How do I know what to do if the Bible doesn’t mention it?”

How we learn the Word of God

April 18, 2020 • Brian Motte & Michael Fitzgerald

This week we are studying what it means to treat our body as the temple of the Holy Spirit. When we treat our bodies as the temple, we quickly find ourselves no longer asking the question of “what can I do” and start asking the question, “what should I do?” Day 3 - How we learn the Word of God Today we discuss first part of the longest psalm written where the writer explains the importance of obeying the the Word of God and how we practically learn the Word of God so that we can obey it.

Don't envy sinners

April 17, 2020 • Brian Motte & Michael Fitzgerald

This week we are studying what it means to treat our body as the temple of the Holy Spirit. When we treat our bodies as the temple, we quickly find ourselves no longer asking the question of “what can I do” and start asking the question, “what should I do?” Day 2 - Don't envy sinners Today we discuss how everyone is going to give an account for their sin. So while it may seem like many lost people have been “blessed” to have so much in this world, we should not envy the things they have here and now. Because they will spend eternity in hell if they don’t believe in Christ. So while it make look peaceful and enjoyable to live there life we should not envy what they have because we have the promise of eternal life.

Only what is beneficial

April 16, 2020 • Brian Motte & Michael Fitzgerald

This week we are studying what it means to treat our body as the temple of the Holy Spirit. When we treat our bodies as the temple, we quickly find ourselves no longer asking the question of “what can I do” and start asking the question, “what should I do?” Day 1 - Only what is beneficial Today we discuss how that means we being to ask if things master us or if they are beneficial for us to do, based on how it effects our ability to lead others to Christ.