

Down to Earth


June 18, 2021

Down to Earth

July 11, 2021

Each and every day, we find ourselves searching for someone we can connect to or relate with. We want someone who understands who we are, how we think, and what we feel. But over and over again, we are let down by the people in our lives— parents, teachers, and even our friends. There are limits to their ability to relate and we end up feeling like no-one truly understands or “gets” who we are. So we try a boyfriend or girlfriend, a new friendship, or anything that helps us feel normal and loved. While these connections can make us feel understood for a time, they will always let us down. They leave holes in our hearts that we constantly try to fill (or worse, escape from).

Outsider: Misunderstood

July 12, 2021 • Michael Fitzgerald

Have you ever felt like an outsider? Maybe you walked into the lunchroom, a classroom, church, or even your very own home and instantly felt as if you were an alien from mars. Or maybe you’ve been- -Looked down on because of the way your family looks or lives? -Misunderstood by your parents even though you felt like what you were doing was right? -Best friends with someone who later stabbed you in the back? -Mocked for who you are, what you believe, the way you look, or the abilities you have? -Looked down on because of the place you are from? -Been teased or given unwanted attention because of your body image? Guess what? Whether you believe it or not, you are not alone. Not only do we all face these same struggles, but Jesus himself faced them too. He also felt like an OUTSIDER.

Outsider: Used & Abused

July 12, 2021

Have you ever had someone who loved you with conditions? Maybe they said- “If you love me you will….” “I will love you if…” “If you get….then we will….” When this happens to us we can get a wrong sense self worth causing us to seek the wrong attention or believe the we have no value. But how does Jesus respond to being used and abused and what does that teach us about how wear are to treat Him and others?

Overwhelmed: Betrayed & Abandoned

July 13, 2021 • Brenan Hudgens

In life loneliness can be overwhelming. We learned the hole in our heart should drive us to Jesus, but we see in Genesis we also need people. “Its not good for man to be alone.” Sometimes we value the relationships we have with people here on earth more the relationship we have with God, which only prolongs the loneliness we feel and leaves our heart empty. But God loved us so much that even though we betrayed and abandoned Him, he still made a way for the void in our hearts to be filled through believing in him. And when we do, the loneliness fades away.

Overwhelmed: Anxiety & Fear

July 13, 2021 • Ernesto Alaniz

Anxiety and fear are crippling because we feel out of control of what is happening to us. Interestingly Jesus faces anxiety and fear about what God called him to do. But how does he respond to this fear and anxiety and what does that teach us about how we are supposed to respond the anxiety and fear that we will face?

Overcome: Through Prayer

July 14, 2021 • Scott Johnson

Sometimes we feel overcome by temptation and sin, to the point that we think it is useless to even try to fight it. But Jesus feels the weight of temptation and the desire to give in, but teaches us exactly how to overcome Satan when he tempts us to sin.

Overcome: Through the Word of God

July 14, 2021 • Todd Deering

This morning we looked at how we sometimes feel overcome with temptation but looked at how Jesus taught us to prepare for temptation by praying that the Lord would help us not give into the temptation. But Jesus doesn’t just teach us how to prepare to face temptation, he demonstrates to us how to overcome temptation when it comes through the Word of God.

Offering: God offers himself

July 15, 2021

Have you ever been at the end of yourself? Maybe you’ve experienced a crisis like this in your life— -You did something that caused your social life to fall apart -Your parents got divorced -Your parents married someone who is tough to live with -You have been abused by someone -You feel like you cannot measure up to what your parents or society thinks you should be -You look at your life and abilities compared to others and think there is no hope for you Whenever we find ourselves broken like this, it is easy to have the thought “I am worthless and useless.” But this moment is just when Jesus shows up. Why? Because Jesus meets us right where we are at.

Offering: Living Sacrifice

July 15, 2021

God came down to earth to offer himself as a sacrifice for you by give up his divine privileges. Will you lay your life down for him?

Monday Recap

July 12, 2021

Tuesday Recap

July 13, 2021

Wednesday Recap

July 14, 2021

Thursday Recap

July 16, 2021

Down To Earth