

Becoming the family God created you to be

Being the Church as a Family: Using Our Influence for the Lord

August 31, 2020 • Brian & Kristy Motte

You are the church— a vital member of the body of Christ, indwelled by the Holy Spirit! How can you individually and as a family “be the church?” As we looked at last week, a church building is just a vehicle for the gospel, but what other vehicles exist? Join us today as we look at how you can use your influence to point others to Jesus as you and your family are the church. Scriptures  Matthew 28:19-20  2nd Corinthians 5:20 1st Thessalonians 2:4 Proverbs 8:16 Psalm 115:1 Isaiah 14:12-23  Luke 16:10

Being the Church as a Family: Using Our Time for the Lord

August 24, 2020 • Brian & Kristy Motte

Grab a cup of coffee and join us as we talk about the Bible, everyday life & parenting. You are the church- a vital member of the body of Christ, indwelled by the Holy Spirit! How can you individually and as a family "be the church"? As we looked at last week, a church building is just a vehicle for the gospel, but what other vehicles exist? Join us today as we look at how you can use your time to point others to Jesus as you and your family are the church.

Being the Church as a Family: Using Our Talents for the Lord

August 17, 2020 • Brian & Kristy Motte

Grab a cup of coffee and join us as we talk about the Bible, everyday life & parenting. As we continue our discussion about uniting our families around becoming the family God created us to be, we dive into how we can use our talents for the Lord. Join us as we look at what it means to take part in Preaching, Baptizing and Discipling as a family.

Being the Church as a Family: Using Our Treasures for the Lord

August 10, 2020 • Brian & Kristy Motte

Grab a cup of coffee and join us as we talk about the Bible, everyday life & parenting. As we continue our discussion about uniting our families around becoming the family God created us to be, we dive into how we can use our treasures for the Lord. Join us as we look at what it means to take part in Preaching, Baptizing and Discipling as a family.

Being the Church as a Family

August 3, 2020 • Brian & Kristy Motte

Grab a cup of coffee and join us as we talk about the Bible, everyday life & parenting. As we continue our discussion about uniting our families around becoming the family God created us to be, we dive into: Being the Church as a Family. Join us as we look at what it means to take part in Preaching, Baptizing and Discipling as a family.

Uniting Through Genuine Faith

July 27, 2020 • Brian & Kristy Motte

Grab a cup of coffee and join us as we talk about the Bible, everyday life & parenting. Scripture reminds us often to live as a community of believers that supports, encourages and sharpens one another. For true community to happen, transparency is key. Do your kids see genuine faith, or have you fallen into the trap of the pharisees: standing as roadblocks to the kingdom of heaven because of different "masks" in your life? Join us this morning as we unite through genuine, authentic, transparent faith.

Assessing Your Fruit as a Follower of Jesus

July 20, 2020 • Brian & Kristy Motte

Grab a cup of coffee and join us as we talk about the Bible, everyday life & parenting. As we reach the mid-point of the summer and the potential lifting of the recent pandemic-related restrictions, it's a great time to step back and reflect on what the Lord has used this season of struggle/trial for. Biblically, we should rejoice when we face trials; why? What have recent trials revealed in your life regarding your fruit and the place Christ holds in your heart and mind? And how can God use seasons of trial and struggle for His glory? Join us this morning to find out!

July 13- Uniting as representatives for Jesus

July 13, 2020 • Brian & Kristy Motte

Coffee & The Word- Uniting as representatives for Jesus Grab a cup of coffee and join us as we talk about the Bible, everyday life, & parenting. Dive with us into Scripture's mandate for believers to learn to know God and become more like Him. Did you know that you've been entrusted with the Gospel and given the job of being a tangible representation of God's love to His precious creation? How can you and your family be ambassadors on God's behalf? Join us today to find out! Key Scriptures: 2nd Corinthians 5:20, 1st Peter 2:9, Colossians 3:10 & Colossians 3:17 ___________________________________________________________________________ The Rock Church Biblical Parenting is where you will learn practical Biblical truth and how it applies to todays parenting challenges. The Mission of The Rock Church of Fenton Michigan Biblical Parenting is to PREACH the Word of God to Parents, BAPTIZE those who profess Christ as their Savior, and DISCIPLE them to observe all that the Bible teaches us. (Matthew 28:18-20) Please subscribe to our youtube channel as we update and share content weekly and you will get notified when it it published Our content in geared toward providing you resources to -Grown in your faith -Become a more devoted disciple of Jesus Christ -Develop your prayer life -Learn how to share your faith -Develop a biblical worldview -Learn how to apply the Bible to everyday life -Opportunities to worship the creator of all things -Learn how to defend your faith -Practical Biblical Truth about the Word of God At The Rock Church Biblical Parenting, we don't just learn the Bible, and apply it to our lives. We have have family fun events throughout the year. We have many opportunities. Check out our The Rock Church Biblical Parenting events page http://www.hisrock.net/events, to invite your friends to. We also have rockyouth Student Ministries community groups, http://www.hisrock.net/community-groups, to develop friendships that will last a lifetime which will be there to encourage you and hold you accountable to the decision you make as you grow in your faith. Finally The Rock Church Biblical Parenting provides opportunities to give back and serve the community you live in while growing in your faith, http://www.hisrock.net/join-the-team Check us out on our website for other content and to register for upcoming events, http://www.hisrock.net/rockyouth Please feel free to comment or ask questions on our videos and let us know what you think

Uniting as a family in who God is

July 6, 2020 • Brian & Kristy Motte

Coffee & The Word- Uniting as a family in who God is Grab a cup of coffee and join us as we talk about the Bible, everyday life, & parenting. All summer, we are uniting as a family. We want you to become the family God created you to be! This week, we focus on the identity of God. Who is God to you? What is He like? How would your kids answer this question? And how do your answers compare to who Scripture says God is? This morning we’ll dive into why a proper view of God’s identity matters and practical ways to grow in understanding God’s identity as a family. Don’t miss it!

Uniting as a family around the Gospel

June 29, 2020 • Brian & Kristy Motte

Coffee & The Word- Uniting as a family around the Gospel Grab a cup of coffee and join us as we talk about the Bible, everyday life, & parenting. All summer, we are uniting as a family. We want you to become the family God created you to be! Last week we laid a foundation of the Gospel. Now we’re challenging your family to unite around the Gospel in everyday life. We see in 1st Peter 2:9 that putting our faith in the Gospel is just the starting point; God redeems us through the Gospel so that we will point others to Him in everyday life. How can we do this as parents in the way we correct, discuss current events, and answer hard questions? Join us today to find out!

Laying the foundation of the gospel

June 22, 2020 • Brian & Kristy Motte

Coffee & The Word- Laying the foundation for the Gospel Grab a cup of coffee and join us as we talk about the Bible, everyday life, & parenting. All summer, we are uniting as a family. We want you to become the family God created you to be! The starting place for becoming who God made us to be is most definitely the Gospel. Do you understand the Gospel? Can you communicate it clearly to your kids and others? Is it something you know or something you truly believe? Join us this morning as we lay a foundation of the Gospel by diving into Scripture to understand the Good News of Jesus.

Guiding spiritual conversations in your home

June 15, 2020 • Brian & Kristy Motte

Coffee & The Word- Guiding spiritual conversations in your home Grab a cup of coffee and join us as we talk about the Bible, everyday life, & parenting. Join us this morning as we look at Psalm 119 for practical ways to apply Deuteronomy 6 in our homes. We’ll look at the Word of God’s place in our homes and give you some talking points as you check in on the spiritual health of your kids

Building your house on the Rock

June 8, 2020 • Brian & Kristy Motte

Coffee & The Word- Building your house on the Rock Grab a cup of coffee and join us as we talk about the Bible, everyday life, & parenting. Today we kick off a new structure to Coffee and the Word. Join us as we discuss that, the resources available to help you disciple your kids and teens this summer, and how to build your house on the Rock.