The Eternal Gospel
December 30, 2018
There is only one real Gospel. Although many get it wrong, or claim another to be true, the eternal Gospel will always stand. The Gospel is the power of God for salvation to all who believe. Let us not be ashamed of it. Grab your Bible as Pastor Wes Morris looks at The Eternal Gospel, why it God offers it and what we should do with it. ROMANS 1:14-16 1 CORINTHIANS 2:1-5 ROMANS 1:18-20 GENESIS 9:12-17 REVELATION 14:6-7
Chain of Fools: Saul
December 16, 2018
Saul battled with envy of David. Do you battle with this? Are you living your life like Saul who allowed this to ruin his life? What does the Bible say about it? How can we correct this in our life? Watch or listen to Pastor Wes as he looks at Saul’s life and what the Bible says we need to do about it jealousy. Grab your Bible and turn to the following verses. 1 SAMUEL 18:6-9 PROVERBS 27:4 1 SAMUEL 18:12-29 1 SAMUEL 18:17 1 SAMUEL 19:10-11 COLOSSIANS 3:1-2
Chain of Fools: Delilah
December 9, 2018
Watch this message as Pastor Wes Morris continues the series "Chain of Fools" with Delilah. What are the characteristics of a Delilah? Do you have a Delilah in your life? Are you a Delilah? Listen as we look in the Bible to answer these questions. We will look at the following verses: JUDGES 16:4-16 PROVERBS 21:9, 19 PROVERBS 26:21 PROVERBS 26:17 EPHESIANS 5:22,25 EPHESIANS 6:1 HEBREWS 13:17 ROMANS 13:1-2
Chain of Fools: Nabal
December 2, 2018
What is a Nabal? Who is a Nabal? We all have most likely been a Nabal in the past and some of us still are a Nabal. Spend a few minutes today listening to what the Bible has to say about being a Nabal. Pastor Wes will look to see what characteristics Nabal had and how to identify these characteristics in our own life. Then what she would do if we find out that we are a Nabal. We will cover the following verse: 1 SAMUEL 25:1-14, 17 PROVERBS 9:7-8 1 SAMUEL 25:23-25 PROVERBS 10:1 PROVERBS 17:25 PROVERBS 19:26 1 SAMUEL 25:36-38 PROVERBS 9:9-12
Who's a Member?
November 25, 2018
Church membership can be a confusing subject. Does it require a class? Is church membership mentioned in the Bible? Who is a member? Spend a few minutes today and watch this message as Pastor Wes looks in the Bible to answer these questions and explains what true members of the Church body are. Open you Bible as we cover the following verses: 1 CORINTHIANS 12:12-13 EPHESIANS 2:1-5 1 CORINTHIANS 12:14-20 JOHN 6:9 JOHN 6:14 1 CORINTHIANS 12:26-27
The Se7en Churches: "Laodicea: Lukewarm"
November 4, 2018
The deeds and works of this church were lukewarm to The Lord. So much so that Jesus said that the church of Laodicea was spit-worthy in their lukewarmness. Many Christians today live the same way—lukewarm in their love of Jesus. These believers struggle with who to serve, the Lord or the world. How long do we need to hesitate before we leave our lukewarm life and become on fire for the Lord? Spend a few minutes today and see what you can learn from this final church mentioned in Revelation. Grab your Bible as Pastor Wes Morris from the Rock Church of Fenton looks at the following verses: REVELATION 3:14-22 REVELATION 3:17 LUKE 12:16-21 REVELATION 3:17 REVELATION 3:18-20 ISAIAH 55
The Se7en Churches: Faithful, The Church of Philadelphia
October 28, 2018
“PHILADELPHIA: FAITHFUL” Which side of the door are you on? Do you belong to the Lord Jesus Christ or are you on the side of the door that leads to hell? The door is open for us to walk through, but there is a day the door will close. The church of Philadelphia was faithful, they stayed true to Word of the Lord. They are the only church of the seven churches mentioned that had no correction. If you are believer, are you living your life like the church of Philadelphia? If you don’t know the Lord, are ready to walk through the open door before it closes? Spend a few minutes today and listen to this message about the church of Philadelphia and how it relates to your life. REVELATION 3:7-13 MATTHEW 25:6-13 REVELATION 3:8 LUKE 21:12-17 REVELATION 3:10-11 2 TIMOTHY 4:7-8
The Se7en Churches: Dead, The Church of Sardis
October 21, 2018
Dead: Church of Sardis The Church of Sardis was doing great things for the Lord at one time. But over time, this changed and the church became dead. There are a lot of churches today that face the same problem, great things were happening and then before they knew it, they slowly died. Many believers face the same thing. At one time the Lord was alive in their life, but over time the fire began to die and they became a dead believer. Just like the church of Sardis, we too need to remember who we are in the Lord. In this message, Pastor Wes talks about how we can prevent becoming the Church of Sardis in our own lives. We cover the following verses: REVELATION 3:1-6 REVELATION 3:1 REVELATION 3:2-3 JONAH 2:7-3:1 REVELATION 3:4
The Se7en Churches: Corrupt, The Church of Thyatira
October 14, 2018
“Thyatira: Corrupt” We continue the Se7en Church series with church number four, Thyatira. The Church in Thyatira had many good things that the Lord liked, but they also allowed immorality to sneak into the church. How many churches would Jesus walk into today to find the same things He saw in Thyatira? Are we tolerating the same forms of immorality in today’s church? How about in your life? Is there repentance needed? Are you ready to make Jesus the Lord of your life, or is there an idol taking His place? Jesus didn’t come to the Thyatira church without grace and the same goes for your life. The Lord gives us time to repent, but sometimes we just don’t want to. Spend a few minutes today and listen to this message to see what it takes to truly repent of sin, remove idols and make Jesus the Lord of your life. Grab your Bible and get ready to look at the following verses: REVELATION 2:18-29 REVELATION 2:21 1 PETER 4:2-3 REVELATION 2:22-23 2 KINGS 9:30-37 REVELATION 2:23 REVELATION 2:28