
Unity in the body of Christ

April 13, 2021 • Jason Clift

Story: A gang member was drawn to saving the relationship with Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit. He came to the church and only stayed for a month and left. When invited to come back thinking he had fallen away. He said I thought this was going to be like my gang where we are family, we would die for each other we all share everything in common if anybody has anything they need. This place is all nice on Sunday and nobody really cares about each other the rest of the week. These people are really family.

Ephesians 4: 1-32

Lead a life worthy of your calling as a MAN OF GOD.

Be humble, gentle, patient with each other making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love.

We are church united in the Holy Spirit and bound together with peace

We are all one body, one spirit, one glorious future, and Jesus Christ

Christ has given us gifts: Apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. Using the gifts do a quick count people to do his work and build up the church

Using these supernatural gifts will make us a mature strong church body.

Neglecting these gifts makes us immature children on a playground always selfishly fighting for our stuff.

Get rid of the darknesses in our lives: immoral ways, impurity, greed, lust, deception, anger, falsehood, foul language, abusive language, bitterness, rage, harsh words and slander. These grieve the Holy Spirit.

Instead, we kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ for gave you.