
Feb W4 Vlog: Ethical Gray Areas | What is right and wrong

February 21, 2020

In the word of God, there are many things that are clearly stated, like “Thou shalt have no other gods before me” or “Thou shalt not steal.” But then there are many things that we face in life that the Bible is either not clear about or is silent on. Many things are questions that are practical for everyday life and yet the Bible seems to not answer such as,
-“How do I know Christianity is the right religion? Can I even know?”
-“Can I kiss someone or hold my boyfriend‘s hand?”
-“Did God create me gay?”
-“Can I vape?”

In this series, we will discuss principles found within the Word of God that will help us live worthy of the calling that God has called us to live, even when it seems the Bible is silent on the subject.

This week spend time reading the Word of God (found in our read plan portion of the app) and praying about what putting others needs before your own looks like in your life.

Also check out the PDF discussion sheet attached below

More from Transformed

March W3 Vlog | Meaning-Life Choices

February 27, 2020

In the Bible, we read, “God formed us with purpose,” “Before we were born God knew us,” “God determine our steps,” But do we actually believe that? Do we practice that belief? How often do we seek the Lord for purpose and meaning in life? How often do we look to God as our Lord when we make decisions? Or do we just make decisions and hope that it aligns with the will of God. ___________________________________ This week spend time reading the Word of God (found in our read plan portion of the app) and praying about what putting others needs before your own looks like in your life. Also check out the PDF discussion sheet attached below

March W2 Vlog | Religious Tolerance

February 27, 2020

In the Bible, we read belief in Jesus is the only way to have salvation for our sins. But then when we look at the world we realize that there are many other world-views with many different religions. This then rationally begs many questions: How do we know the Bible is true? Don’t all religions have the same goal- to be a better person and when we die, they all lead to the same place? Isn’t Christianity and Jesus judgmental in saying all other religions are false? How is Jesus loving and compassionate like Christians say if it Christianity is so judgmental? But everyone of these questions is trying to make an absolute truth a relative truth. The question to really ask is how do we share this absolute truth in love to people who will be judged for all time for their sin if they do not believe in Jesus as savior for their sins? ___________________________________ This week spend time reading the Word of God (found in our read plan portion of the app) and praying about what putting others needs before your own looks like in your life. Also check out the PDF discussion sheet attached below

March W1 Vlog | Absolute & Relative Truth

February 27, 2020

In the Bible we read belief in Jesus is the only way to have salvation for our sins. However, many people believe that while that may be true for you it is not true for them. This begs the question, are there any truths that exist that transcend time and culture? Things that are true for all mankind for all time? And if so, what are they? Or can we even know if something is true at all or do we just have to have faith and hope we are right? ___________________________________ This week spend time reading the Word of God (found in our read plan portion of the app) and praying about what putting others needs before your own looks like in your life. Also check out the PDF discussion sheet attached below