
When You Pray Session 3

September 21, 2021 • Ashley Brennan • Isaiah 66:1, Psalm 11:4, Psalm 123:1

When we pray to our Father, we notice from Jesus' teaching that He is "in Heaven." This simple phrase reminds us of God's sovereignty and perfect character. As we direct our prayers toward Heaven, our focus is fixed not on earthly things, but on the majestic kingdom we have been given access to by the blood of Christ Jesus. Join us for session three of "When You Pray."

Verses Used:
Isaiah 66:1
Psalm 11:4
Psalm 123:1
Psalm 18:6
Revelation 21:5.6
Psalm 73:23-25

Discussion Questions:
1. What are some of the descriptions the Bible gives us of what heaven will be like? (See Revelation 21 & 22:1-9 for details)
2. Why is it important to study what heaven is like? What encouragement does it give us to know heaven is our home? (2 Cor 4:16-18)
3. What determines who is granted entrance into heaven? (Rev 21:11-5; Romans 10:9; Acts 4:12)
4. What does it mean that Jesus is our advocate or mediator between us and God? Why do we need a mediator? (See Day 5, question 5 of homework)
5. Much of what we see the elders, angels and saints doing in heaven consists of worship of and reverence for God. What is reverence? How do we show God reverence? Do you think we do a good job of showing reverence for God? Why or why not?
6. How have you seen God use prayer in your life this week?

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When You Pray Session 13

December 7, 2021 • Erin Morris

In addition to teaching us how to pray, the Bible mentions different people we should pray for. We should be in the habit of praying for those in authority over us, fellow believers, those who are sick and/or in sin, the lost, and even our enemies. Join us as we conclude our study on prayer by looking at the various people we are called to pray for. Verses Used: Ephesians 1:18-20 1 Timothy 2:1-3 Psalm 19:14 Matthew 9:37-38 Matthew 5:44 Luke 23:33-43 Discussion Questions: 1. When we are called to pray for those in authority over us, who is Scripture talking about? Why is it important to pray for them and what things should we pray? 2. Why should we pray for fellow believers? What things should we pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ? 3. Has the Lord ever put someone on your mind, out of the blue, to pray for, that opened up doors of opportunity to minister/mentor them? How did that turn out? 4. Do you spend any kind of significant time in prayer for the lost? Has that brought about any opportunities to minister to strangers? 5. How and why should we pray for those who are sick both physically and spiritually? (in rebellion against the Lord) 6. How and why should you pray for someone who has hurt/wronged you? How has praying for them changed your heart toward them? 7. How did God used this study in your life this past semester?

When You Pray Session 12

November 30, 2021 • Diane Clift

Most often we desire a quick resolution to our prayers. We want instant answers and a quick fix. There are times, however, when God doesn't answer us quickly and we must return to the Lord over and over in prayer about these things. Why might an answer delay? What spiritual benefit might this grant to us and why should we not lose heart when we are not answered right away, but continue to pray? Join us for session twelve as we study Jesus' teaching on persevering in prayer. Verses Used: Luke 11:1-13 Colossians 4:6 Luke 18:1-8 Matthew 15:22-28 James 5:17-18 1 Kings 18:43-44 Psalm 55:17 Psalm 38:15 Psalm 27:14 Romans 8:26 Discussion Questions: 1. Why or when are we tempted to lose heart and not persevere in prayer? 2. What are reasons God may not answer our prayers right away? 3. What does it mean to labor fervently or strive in prayer? Do these characteristics accurately describe your prayer life? 4. Are you discouraged in your prayer life? It can be difficult to continue praying on when you don't see answers coming. Have you been persistent, even in just one prayer? 5. Have you seen a mighty answer from God as you have fervently prayer? Take some time to think and then share to encourage others. 6. How have you seen God answer prayer in your life this week?

When You Pray Session 11

November 16, 2021 • Samantha Marsh

Fasting is mentioned alongside prayer in the Bible in multiple passages. What exactly is fasting and what is the purpose of it? In session eleven we examine how fasting impacts our relationship with the Lord and helps purify our motives here on earth. Verses Used: Matthew 6:15-18 Is 58:2-7 Zechariah 7:5-7; 9-10 Joel 2:12-14 Luke 18:9-24 Philippine 3:19 Discussion Questions: 1. What is the purpose of fasting? What are some of the reasons people fasted in Scripture? 2. How does fasting impact our spiritual lives and our relationship with the Lord? 3. What things can we fast from? 4. Have you ever fasted over anything? How did you see God use that time of fasting in your life? 5. Is there anything in your life that you’re being led to fast and pray about? 6. How have you seen God use prayer in your life this week?