
Came for the Sick

Jesus the Man

December 5, 2018

We sometimes wonder why the Savior of the World had to become human, but
Christ’s humanity accomplished many things. He is able to relate to us because
of his experience with temptation and He left an example of what it means to
honor God with our lives. As a man, Jesus spent much of his time with vile sinners, which religious leaders turned their noses up to. But those “vile sinners” were the very reason why he became flesh and dwelt among us. His purpose was...and is... to save those who are sick and dead in their sin, those in the need of asavior and a Lord to direct their lives.

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Uses the Unqualified

May 8, 2019 • Neil Thompson

Through out the Bible we see examples of the Lord using people who are unqualified. You may see yourself as being unqualified to be sued by God, but thats not true. Join us as we take a look in the Bible looking at how God uses the unqualified.