
Wise Words

Proverbs 17:27-28

January 28, 2020 • Erin Morris

Many times we hear things like, "I just say what I think," or "I have no filter."

Do we ever stop to think about the impact our words have on other people? Proverbs tells us that the power of life and death is in the tongue. We have the power to build up or tear down with our words. Join us for our next section of Proverbs as we discuss how to speak wisely.

Scripture used:
Proverbs 17:27-28
Proverbs 26:23-25
Proverbs 10:18
Proverbs 17:4
Luke 6:45

More from Proverbs

Worthy Woman

March 24, 2020 • Paula Thorp

As we continue our study of the excellent woman, we discover that she is clothed with strength and dignity. What does that look like? How do we, at times, "clothe ourselves" with things other than these things? What does it look like to fear the Lord? Join us as we conclude the book of Proverbs with a final look at the woman in Proverbs 31. Scriptures Used: Colossians 2:6-7, Colossians 4:6, 1 John 1:9, Ecclesiastes 7:8, Joel 2:25

Worthy Women

March 17, 2020 • Lisa McGill

In a fast paced, keep up with Jones’ type of world, our to-do lists get longer and longer and we tend to exhaust ourselves with work. At the same time, the fears and cares of this world easily distract us from doing the Lord’s work. But the Proverbs 31 woman teaches us that if we are firmly planted in Christ, using the gifts He’s given to us, we can reap the fruit of our hard labor and no longer fall into the pit of fear.  Join us for part two of Proverbs 31.  Scriptures used: Proverbs 31:17-24, Proverbs 21:5, Psalm 90:17, Acts 9:36-42, Matthew 5:16, Romans 12:6, John 16:33, Proverbs 12:4

Worthy Women

March 10, 2020 • Erin Morris

Proverbs 31 describes an excellent woman. This section of Scripture tells us she is strong and virtuous. What does this woman act like? What things does she do? How does Biblical strength differ from what the world tells us we should be as women? Join us for the first part of a three-part series on Proverbs 31. Scripture Used: Proverbs 31:10-16, 1 Peter 1:3-9, 1 Kings 18, 1 Peter 3:1-6, Proverbs 12:4