
Parenting - Biblical Essentials - Sin

February 28, 2021 • Brian & Kristy Motte

Man was created in God’s image with the purpose of glorifying God. But one look around makes it clear that somewhere between creation and now, things drastically changed. What happened? 

Sin. Way back in the garden, the very first man and woman decided to break God’s only law by going their own way. The consequence of this sin was death, manifested first spiritually through separation from God and distance in their relationship with Him. They no longer walked with Him in the cool of the evenings and life was hard. Thoughts of their purpose were clouded with hard work, pain, disappointment, discontentment, fear, and selfishness.  

Sin also brought physical death as man’s life would now have a definitive end… a ticking clock that once expired, would mark the moment His choice regarding eternity (Heaven or Hell) could no longer be altered. 

Sin wasn’t isolated to Adam and Eve. It spread to all people and continued to wreak havoc among God’s creation. Later, God would give 10 commandments to guide His people in following Him righteously (in what is right), but that list merely proved man’s inability to choose right and uphold God’s laws. It put a spotlight on man’s sin.

You may wonder, didn’t God know Adam & Eve would choose sin? Didn’t He know the destruction that would come because man would choose to follow their own sinful desires, rather than God’s perfect law, over and over again? So why would He allow it?  Wouldn’t we better off without it?

And after salvation, why doesn’t man escape his sin nature? Why doesn’t God just remove a person’s desire to sin so that the light of Jesus can shine through them even more brightly? 

This week, we’ll answer these questions and more as we look at:

Essential #8 - Sin is anything man thinks, says, or does that breaks God’s law (His Word- the Bible). While sin can be choosing wrong, it is also neglecting what is right. Sin separates man from God through spiritual death and is the cause of man’s physical death as well. While sin originated with Adam and Eve, all people are born in sin and have a natural desire to do wrong. Sin is unavoidable for man but is designed to illuminate man’s need for Jesus.

Kids - Biblical Essentials - Church

March 14, 2021 • Kristy Motte & Ashley Law

Colossians 2:6-7a |  And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on Him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught… Over the last few months, we’ve explored how to grow deep roots as followers of Christ. Last week, we examined salvation, made possible when we put our faith in Jesus, who’s blood covers us, making us right in God’s sight.  God’s followers must build their lives on Him as they grow in truth, but they aren’t meant to do that alone. The early church in Acts demonstrates God’s design for his followers- the Body of Christ— also known as His Church. This week we’ll see that the church isn’t a building or a set of pastors. We’ll grow in our final essential-  Essential #10 - The Church is the body of Christ and consists of all of God’s followers. God’s church has been entrusted with meeting together to grow, love one another, encourage and support each other, serve together, and to proclaim Christ to others. Each individual follower of God plays a critical role in the body of Christ. Remaining unified and active in and through a local church body allows the believer to fulfill their role as the church.

Teen Talk - Biblical Essentials - Church

March 17, 2021 • Michael Fitzgerald

Colossians 2:6-7a |  And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on Him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught… Over the last few months, we’ve explored how to grow deep roots as followers of Christ. Last week, we examined salvation, made possible when we put our faith in Jesus, who’s blood covers us, making us right in God’s sight.  God’s followers must build their lives on Him as they grow in truth, but they aren’t meant to do that alone. The early church in Acts demonstrates God’s design for his followers- the Body of Christ— also known as His Church. This week we’ll see that the church isn’t a building or a set of pastors. We’ll grow in our final essential-  Essential #10 - The Church is the body of Christ and consists of all of God’s followers. God’s church has been entrusted with meeting together to grow, love one another, encourage and support each other, serve together, and to proclaim Christ to others. Each individual follower of God plays a critical role in the body of Christ. Remaining unified and active in and through a local church body allows the believer to fulfill their role as the church.  Discussion 1.It is important that God’s followers meet with each other as part of a church body.  Why is getting together with other believers important?  2. The Bible tells us to love another with genuine affection (Romans 12:10). Do you find it hard to love other followers of God? Are you currently bitter, angry, gossiping, or speaking badly of any other believers? If so what do you need to do according to Ephesians 4:31-32? 3. As a group read 1 Corinthians 12:12-27. Which part of the body of Christ is more important? Is there any person in the body of Christ more or less important than another person? Why or why not?  4. What gifts, talents and abilities has God given you? 5. We should use our gifts to serve God and others. How are you serving God/others by serving the body of Christ (the church)? How are you serving God/others as the body of Christ (outside of the church)?

Parenting - Biblical Essentials - Church

March 14, 2021 • Brian & Kristy Motte

Colossians 2:6-7a |  And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on Him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught… Over the last few months, we’ve explored how to grow deep roots as followers of Christ. Last week, we examined salvation, made possible when we put our faith in Jesus, who’s blood covers us, making us right in God’s sight.  God’s followers must build their lives on Him as they grow in truth, but they aren’t meant to do that alone. The early church in Acts demonstrates God’s design for his followers- the Body of Christ— also known as His Church. This week we’ll see that the church isn’t a building or a set of pastors. We’ll grow in our final essential-  Essential #10 - The Church is the body of Christ and consists of all of God’s followers. God’s church has been entrusted with meeting together to grow, love one another, encourage and support each other, serve together, and to proclaim Christ to others. Each individual follower of God plays a critical role in the body of Christ. Remaining unified and active in and through a local church body allows the believer to fulfill their role as the church.