
The effects of following our heart

April 12, 2020 • Brian Motte & Michael Fitzgerald

Topic: The effects of following our heart

Today we discuss what the Bible teaches about following our heart, where it leads us and what happens to us if we choose to follow our heart rather than God.

Glorify God with you body

April 15, 2020 • Brian Motte & Michael Fitzgerald

Topic: Glorify God with you body Yesterday we learned practical ways to stop sinning today we learn the principle of how we are to live righteous and glorify God with everything that we do.

How we overcome our sin

April 14, 2020 • Brian Motte & Michael Fitzgerald

Topic: How we overcome our sin Yesterday we learned that we are no longer slave to sin. Today we discuss The practical things we can do to no longer be slave to our sin by casting down every imagination and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God.

Not a slave to our desires & sin

April 13, 2020 • Brian Motte & Michael Fitzgerald

Topic: Not a slave to our desires & sin Today we discuss what the Bible teaches about how even though we may feel trapped by our sin and have no ability to overcome our sin, that we are not slave to our sin. God can free us from our sin if we are willing to stop thinking about sin and begin thinking about Spiritual things.