
Origin of Religion

May 14, 2020 • Brian Motte & Michael Fitzgerald

Day 1 - Origin of Religion
The next two weeks we will discuss the Biblical worldview of life after death, other religions, christians like religions, christian denominations, is evolution a religion and so much more to find out what actually happens when we die. Today we start the discussion of religions, specifically where and when did they start.

Genesis 9:18-19
Genesis 10 6-12
Genesis 11:1-9
Genesis 12:1-4

Universalism & the Progressive Church

May 27, 2020 • Brian Motte & Michael Fitzgerald

Day 7 - Universalism—Progressive Church All last week & this week we have been discussing the Biblical worldview of life after death, other religions, christians like religions, christian denominations, is evolution a religion and so much more to find out what actually happens when we die. Today we discuss the false teachings of the progressive church. Which state that we need to deconstruct and reinterpret the Bible through the revealed knowledge of God that we have today through philosophers, science, culture, etc… Scriptures 1 Timothy 4—False teachers turn away from the truth 2 Timothy 4:1-8 Matthew 13:1-23—Four soils John 20:24-31—Doubting Thomas

Prosperity Gospel

May 26, 2020 • Brian Motte & Michael Fitzgerald

Day 6 - Prosperity Gospel All last week & this week we have been discussing the Biblical worldview of life after death, other religions, christians like religions, christian denominations, is evolution a religion and so much more to find out what actually happens when we die. Today we discuss false teachers who look to prophet from people who are looking for God. Scriptures Matthew 7:15-20—Know a tree by its fruit 2 Peter 2—False teacher explained Luke 8:43-48—Woman spent all her money trying to get healed

Other "Christian" Religions

May 25, 2020 • Brian Motte & Michael Fitzgerald

Day 5 - Other “Christian” Religions All last week & this week we have been discussing the Biblical worldview of life after death, other religions, christians like religions, christian denominations, is evolution a religion and so much more to find out what actually happens when we die. Today we discuss other Christian religions Church of Science, Scientology, Jehovah Witnesses, The Mormons, Seventh Day Adventist, and whether they believe in the the same Jesus the Bible teaches about Scriptures Galatians 1:6-10 1 Corinthians 2:1-5