
Parenting: Worship & Praise

October 18, 2020 • Brian & Kristy Motte

Last week, we focused on the discipline of fellowship. We saw that doers make fellowship a priority. When we are with other believers in fellowship, often times, we crave worship. When we cannot gather corporately with others, worship is one of the first things we miss. This is because we were made to worship.

But what is worship, really? Is it just what we do corporately as a body of believers on the weekend? Does it have to involve music and singing? And why do we worship anyway?

This week, we will see that worship, as a discipline, is about a lot more than music and corporate singing.

Romans 12:1 says, And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all He has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice- the kind He will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship Him.

Worship is more than a segment of a church service or when you sing alone in your car and in the shower. Those are acts of worship, but our serving, giving, jobs, school work, words, thoughts, and creative works can be acts of worship too. All of these things, including corporate worship during a church service, can also fail to be true, acceptable worship to the Lord. This is because worship isn’t just about what we do on the outside; true worship is very much about what is deep in our hearts.

True worship is a life that is lived solely for God.

True worship is an attitude.
True worship is a heart position.
True worship is a lifestyle.

For doers, true worship never stops.

More from No Excuses

Youth: Wrap Up

November 25, 2020 • Michael Fitzgerald

This week, we will wrap the same way we started. Let us commit to stay rid of excuses and to be doers who put our theme verse into practice.  James 1:22 says, But do not just listen to Gods word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves. At the beginning of this journey, we decided that to be disciples - committed followers of Christ, we had to be disciplined. We have examined a variety of spiritual disciplines and all that is left is doing them.  As doers, remember that faith in Jesus is still the most important thing. Faith saves. Faith in Jesus differs from knowing about Jesus because true belief results in action. Your faith will show through your works (or your doing).  We’ll see this week that continued practice of the disciplines (Bible reading, prayer, fellowship, worship, giving, serving, fasting, & communion) keeps us focused on Christ, maturing in our faith, and bearing fruit because the Holy Spirit lives in and works through us. We must stay on guard and remain Gospel focused as doers who make no excuses.

Kids: Wrap Up

November 22, 2020 • Kristy Motte & Ashley Law

This week, we will wrap the same way we started. Let us commit to stay rid of excuses and to be doers who put our theme verse into practice.  James 1:22 says, But do not just listen to Gods word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves. At the beginning of this journey, we decided that to be disciples - committed followers of Christ, we had to be disciplined. We have examined a variety of spiritual disciplines and all that is left is doing them.  As doers, remember that faith in Jesus is still the most important thing. Faith saves. Faith in Jesus differs from knowing about Jesus because true belief results in action. Your faith will show through your works (or your doing).  We’ll see this week that continued practice of the disciplines (Bible reading, prayer, fellowship, worship, giving, serving, fasting, & communion) keeps us focused on Christ, maturing in our faith, and bearing fruit because the Holy Spirit lives in and works through us. We must stay on guard and remain Gospel focused as doers who make no excuses.

Parenting: Wrap Up

November 22, 2020 • Brian & Kristy Motte

This week, we will wrap the same way we started. Let us commit to stay rid of excuses and to be doers who put our theme verse into practice.  James 1:22 says, But do not just listen to Gods word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves. At the beginning of this journey, we decided that to be disciples - committed followers of Christ, we had to be disciplined. We have examined a variety of spiritual disciplines and all that is left is doing them.  As doers, remember that faith in Jesus is still the most important thing. Faith saves. Faith in Jesus differs from knowing about Jesus because true belief results in action. Your faith will show through your works (or your doing).  We’ll see this week that continued practice of the disciplines (Bible reading, prayer, fellowship, worship, giving, serving, fasting, & communion) keeps us focused on Christ, maturing in our faith, and bearing fruit because the Holy Spirit lives in and works through us. We must stay on guard and remain Gospel focused as doers who make no excuses.