
Combat Plan

September 25, 2021 • Samantha Marsh • Acts 17:11, 2 Timothy 2:15, Ephesians 6:11–17, Hebrews 4:12

As we navigate various battlefields we notice from Scripture that most of our weapons are defensive. We are only given one offensive weapon for combat and that is the Word of God. If we hope to be victorious, it is imperative that we know how to study the Bible. Where should we start? What tools can we use to dig deeper? How can we take the things that are written and apply them to our lives so we can be victorious even in the fiercest battle? If you’ve struggled to understand the Bible or want ways to dig deeper in your study of Scripture, this session is for you!

Verses Used:
Ephesians 6:11-17
Hebrews 4:12
Acts 17:11
2 Timothy 2:15

Resources Mentioned:
Books of the Bible Chart: https://pin.it/1bLNQ2F
Vine's Expository Dictionary: shorturl.at/fyzP2
Nave's Topical Bible: shorturl.at/iuQX8
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance: shorturl.at/abqGO

Online Resources:

Armor Bearers

September 25, 2021 • Tracey Helms • Luke 10:30–37, 2 Timothy 2:21, John 3:16, Matthew 22:34, 1 Samuel 14:7

In the Bible, an armor bearer doesn’t wield the sword, spear, or javelin him/herself, but carries it into battle on behalf of a soldier. In life sometimes we are the soldier actively battling, and other times we are like armor-bearers providing necessary support to a soldier in the fight. When we see those we love battling, how can we best support them? Join us as we learn what it looks like to be modern-day armor-bearers, providing community and support to those around us.

Base Camp

September 25, 2021 • Diane Clift

We live in a culture that has much to say about what our families’ priorities should be, but how do the world’s values differ from what the Bible calls us to? How can we equip our children to be godly in today’s world, and what things can we do to strengthen and build up our families? This session will focus on how we can train our children up in the fear of the Lord and build solid families centered around Christ.

Battle Weary

September 25, 2021 • Ashley Law • Psalm 91:1–2, Psalm 91:4, Matthew 11:28–30, 1 Kings 19:3–8, Romans 15:13

Some of us desperately want to be good soldiers, but the battle has raged so long and the fight has been so hard that we have become weary. If we’re honest, we’re tempted to lay down our weapons and walk off the battlefield entirely. What do we do when everything in us wants to go AWOL? How can we find strength and hope to fight another day? Join us as we learn how to press into the fight toward victory instead of retreating in defeat. Verses Used: 1 Kings 19:3-4 1 Kings 19:5-8 Psalm 91:1-2, 4 Matthew 11:28-30 Romans 15:13 Psalm 3:3-4