
Abide: Eternal Life

1 John 2:24-29

February 21, 2023 • Erin Morris

The Bible says eternity is written in the heart of man. Deep inside us is the understanding that our souls are eternal. What is the destiny of our souls after we die, and how can we be assured we have believed the truth? Join us for session seven as we consider how to be sure we are in the faith and how to live with eternity in mind.

Verses Used:

1 John 2:24

1 John 2:25-27

John 5:24-29

John 10:27-28

1 John 2:28-29

Matthew 24:44-46

Jude 1:20-23

Discussion Questions:

1. How does the eternal destination for a believer in Jesus differ from that of an unbeliever?

2. How does the Bible say we gain eternal life? How can we be certain that we have it?

3. 1 John 2:28 tells us to abide in Christ so that we will not shrink back in shame when He returns? What would give us cause for being ashamed? 

4. In Matthew we are told to be ready and on the alert, awaiting the promise of eternal life. What does it look like to live ready?

5. Are you prepared for eternity? If no, what must change so that you are prepared? How are you helping to prepare others for the reality of eternity?

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