
Session One

September 24, 2021 • Erin Morris

We are engaged in a spiritual war that rages all around us, but what does the battle actually look like? Who is my enemy and how does he attack my life? In session one we will focus on gaining an understanding of our enemy and his tactics so we can be prepared for attack and not allow him to discourage or defeat us.

Session Two

September 25, 2021 • Erin Morris

The Bible calls us soldiers of the cross. When and how did you become a soldier and what does this require of your life? What can you do to prepare yourself for battle, to stand firm under attack and not retreat? Our second session will focus on how we, as soldiers, can equip ourselves through the power of Christ for each battle we face.

Session Three

September 26, 2021 • Erin Morris

We have a ruthless enemy that seeks for avenues to destroy us. What hope do we have of victory? How can we rest in that hope and find the strength to fight another day? Join us for our concluding session as we discover how knowing Christ grants us victory both here on earth and in eternity.