
Formed Into Love

November 3, 2024 • Luke Schroeder • 1 Corinthians 13:4–7

We are all being formed into something. Spiritual formation is not a choice, it is a reality. We are all becoming someone through the sources we expose ourselves to, the people we are around, and the goals we direct our lives towards. So, if we are all being formed, the question then becomes who we are formed into? Executive coaches and psychologists have helpfully noted that we become the summation of the 5 people closest to us. The five people in our inner circle, who we surround ourselves with day in and day out, affect our behaviors and character, or goals and dreams - it shapes who we are.

This all changes when Jesus enters the scene. It surely changed for the disciples when they started following Jesus. They were becoming more like him the more time they spent with him. And so too with us. When we are with Jesus, the more we become like him. The more we become what Jesus was defined by - LOVE.