
A Tail of Two Kings

February 19, 2023 • Todd Wendorff

If you’ve ever been in a conflict or conversation about a tense issue (which, duh, you have—welcome to planet earth), then you’re well aware of how frustrating and unhelpful it can be when someone responds with defensiveness and blame shifting. And if we’re all honest, we’ve each done our fair share of defensive and blame shifting responses ourselves. But beyond being frustrating and unhelpful, defensiveness is a symptom of something much more insidious: pride. Yet the story of Scripture as a whole, and our particular scripture for this teaching from 1 Kings 18:17-18, emphasizes over and over again that the sweet spot of life is humble receptivity toward God. Join us for a teaching from the life of Elijah and his foil King Ahab as we learn about the freedom of humble receptivity, the danger of prideful self-reliance, and how the good news of King Jesus is the key to freedom from the trap of pride.